You apparently missed my post on Rutherford's cimments in Light II. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=18800&site=3
Your trick is to make the challenge so specific that you think it cannot be met. But that's all it is - a trick. And a failed one at that since the leaders have a teaching which has no Biblical support -that they are God's sole channel of communication with mankind and, as Rutherford noted, they are aware of things going on in Heaven.
Your argument might make a small amount of sense if the WTS didn't loudly condemn other religions for doing what they do on the basis of Deut. 18.
The actions of the GB demonstrate that the WTS believes that they are being run by God directly from Heaven. That's why they DF people for disagreeing. It's not for causing divisions - it's for believeing differently and expressing those beliefs. Look at the elders manual.
But, all in all, it's a moot point. Your leaders are out and out liars who claim to speak for God and act as if they do speak for a vengeful God. Not only that, they have a 100% failure rate.
Ok, let's not call them false prophets. Let's call them deluded lying buffoons. Does that make you feel better?
Face it, man - there is no way on earth that you can provide a shred of evidence that the WTS is "God's sole channel of communication with mankind." Can you do that much? If they are than God sure doesn't have much of a message - except that he wants his name, Jehovah, associated with the some of the craziest religious notions and predictions ever invented. Every single one of which has either failed or is inthe process of failing.
How many angels can sit on the head of a pin, Bobby? That's an easier thing to do than to defend the WTS.
Not to worry old thing - only 12 years to 2014.