i was having an affair with a pioneer at the time and a girl who was disfellowshipped was in the loo at the hall (she actually had not done aything scriptually wrong (but the elders thought she had ) i tried to smile at her as i felt i was not in a position to judge anyone as guilt was destroying me but she just looked down at the floor , 14 years later we are good friends and both "free". when you were "in" and ignored disfellowshipped did you ever think "im not in a position to judge anyone " ?
did you feel guilty ,when ignoring disfellowshipped ones ?
by looloo 34 Replies latest jw friends
I never judged.
I did not fell guilty then because I believed that the WTS were The Truth and so I followed along...
I never refused to smile and nod or mouth a hello to a d/f person if I wanted to, that was not what the Scriptures meant. I served on committees and made the decisions. That was hard but most of mine were clear cut cases where they were leaving anyway. I never felt that I was judging their salvation , only God could do that. I felt that I was just applying Bible law about association and let God decide their fate.
I feel a bit guilty now though, when I think of the hardship those decisions brought on previously close knit families.
I always felt like I was being a rude, ass.
I only really experienced one person I knew get DF'd. I didnt know her that well, and to be honest she didnt come to that many meetings when she was disfellowshipped so it wasnt much of an issue. I felt sorry for her, but at the same time didnt feel I had to invest too much pity in her, as she had sinned and was not being treated unfairly. It is deeply troubling how unkind we human beings can be to each other when we feel we are carrying out divine will. I will never allow my humanity to be taken from me by religious beliefs ever again.
One of my best friends was DF'd. She wouldn't even let me have the chance to say hello or approach her. She would show up to the meetings, sit as far away from anyone as she could. One time I went over to sit next to her, and she got up and left. She really believed she had to be ostracized. Makes me sad.
I never felt guilty just like what BluesBrother said.
four candles
I did,and I felt awkward as well. But then someone was d/f'd that I felt shouldn't have been....and I still continued to say hi and how are you to him in the street.
darth frosty
I was a dweeb I would always try and give them an encouraging smile as if to project that 'I'm pulling for you!' Even tho I couldn't speak to them.
Basterds! AS I type that, I think of one cat who was out there. I hung out with him after I got out of bethel and watched him smoke a black and mild, Just happy to be back and see an old friend. Now the SOB will not talk to me 'since I don't go to the hall he doesn't know what I believe in?!?'
We didn't shun disfellowshipped ones. We observed too many children who were DFed as young ages 13 to 18 and the horror of observing the cruel act and shunning did not fit with our principles. We were not "in your face" about our stance, but we would eat with such ones and reach out to them if they needed anything.
I have said a few times on this board that as an elder I never disfellowshipped anyone. My family has corrected my faulty memory on that. I have, but he was an awful person and I feel comfortable with my actions in that circumstance. But other than that time, we did/do not support the WTS in its crazed, cruel enforcement of misguided laws and rules.
Be sure to hug your favorite DFed person today! I may be a DFed person someday soon and if you shun me I will be pissed :)