WTS was the first on the scene after the Haiti earthquake

by bohm 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    "Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dominican Republic were on the road to Haiti with relief supplies within hours after the quake hit. Several Witness doctors from Dominican Republic and elsewhere have been working almost nonstop since the quake."


    I don't find this hard to believe. And yes, it will undoubtedbly result in more JW converts.

    Praise Jah!


  • WTWizard

    The witlesses always say that. It makes them feel good to claim to be the first on the scene--I would be willing to bet that the Red Cross beat them.

    At least, that is, with assistance that is assistance. The witlesses, like so many other missionaries, show up at disaster scenes to recruit new members. And, in the case of the witlesses, they are going to offer assistance on the condition that the people study. They do this so they can look good to the nation, and others will study. It also makes them look better to other nations that are onlooking, so they will miss the pedophile defense and ruined lives they create elsewhere. Almost always, the witlesses help only their own and any they feel would bring good publicity to the cancer.

  • KnowlegeSeeker_UK

    Notice how none of these stories ever get published or formally announced. I remember the story in the 80's of the sister who unknowingly walked home followed by a rapist. He knocked on her door and she answered, he left and was caught. When asked why he never attacked the JW woman, he said 'cos of the huge man standing behind her when she opened the door' and of course boom boom, there was no man behind her. she was a single mother w.... bla bla bla bollocks. I also remember hearing that no JW's were at the twin towers, they were all miraculously off sick... Then I heard the same said about the Jews, then the Muslims.... I would love to know who promotes this BS. Someone does, there has to be some kind of PR to ensure it goes world wide cos it does.

    All these little underhand rules that spread like a mexican wave through the congs, also all the little terms of phrase that become terminology such as "the truth". Not being allowed to give talks without a suit jacket was always a no no in my area, who the frig came up with that one. The brother that dared to take it off on a hot summers night was always sure to get an earfull after.

  • OnTheWayOut

    They also claimed to be the first on the scene in New Orleans. The brudda at the DC said that when the military showed up with supplies, they just gave everything to the JWs because they were the only ones organized. Funny thing....a Mormon told me the same thing.

    After Hurricane Andrew hit south Florida, I went down to help because I had experience with Hurricane Hugo the year before. The JW's had all these cans of water from Anheiser Bush. They told us that Bush sent a semi load of these down and the JW's were the only ones in the area organized enough to distribute it, so they gave them the whole truckload. Reality is probably that they got several pallets and there were several trucks.

  • diamondiiz

    Never doubt the truth especially when they tell you there is huge invisible man standing behind then. lol KnowledgeSeeker_UK, I forgot about that story, lol it's so funny to look back and think what BS we did put up with.

    Wasn't there another one where Hitler's plane transported some mags without the Nazis knowing it and dubs got their illigal shippment thanks to oblivious nazis?

    Watch out for those evil smurfs :)

  • Bangalore

    There is a Facebook page for JW Action Network on Haiti.



  • treadnh2o

    From the Hatian Timesl:

    "Jehovahs Witness relief doctors were asked to leave Haiti after they caused more death than help. Apparently, when the only option to save those injured was an infusion of blood, they gathered in a circle and prayed."


  • Kenneson

    If Jehovah's Witnesses were the first on the scene, they were surely slow in getting there.

    See "Disaster at the Crossroads in Haiti leaves shattered lives, lost futures"


  • Gayle

    Where did the WTS get these doctors. They don't encourage, support, pay for college tuition for any of their own youth to go to college at all. The WTS only encourages window cleaning and such for their people. What source does the WTS have to fly in with pilots, doctors, nurses, staff, hospital equipment, supplies, etc. (ready available) to help people temporarily or long-term. The headquarters of the JWs is only an insult to any population anywhere.

  • Kenneson

    P.S. The official Jehovah's Witness site claims that Jehovah's Witnesses in the Dominican Republic sent aid to the Haitian branch the very next day, which in turn distributed to designated Kingdom Halls. Carrefour is a suburb of Port au Prince and the date of the article above is Jan. 15 and no aid had yet reached that Kingdom Hall. Maybe it was not a designated distribution center??? Also, notice that JW doctors were due to arrive in Haiti on Jan. 19. I'm not claiming that JW's did not send aid but I doubt they were the first on the scene.


    That article can be linked on the jw media page. Scroll down to it.

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