I hadn't attended meetings for over a year now and I had a good JW friend from another hall. She was friends with me before me being a witness. We knew each other from school and she had a hand in converting me. Once she found out I stopped going to the hall she got very upset. I wasn't ready to explain to her yet why and she didn't want to talk to me until I did. It has been like 9 months since we last spoke and I recently sent her a letter in the mail about our friendship. She stopped talking to a mutual non-witness friend of ours ( my best friend) almost a year ago as well and I addressed that. I basically said she has no room in her heart for people who stop attending meetings or aren't being converted.
She wrote to the non-witness friend and finally admitted she is no longer friends with me because I am apostate and I left Jehovah. I was never disfellowshipped nor did any elders attempt to talk to me or my husband. She says we abandoned our congregation and people that care about us. No one noticed we were doing poorly for some time. I never told her my apostate beliefs but her dad is an elder and I'm sure she hears it from him not to associate with me. I wish she would make up her own mind. She grew up as a witness and said she wasn't forced to be baptized and made it her choice, just like I did. so I turned my back on God which makes me evil now. I think she feels guilty about the non-witness friend because I told her she will never want anything to do with witnesses now and recently told JWs to not come back to her house.
Anyone else have similar experience or can explain her behavoir of not wanting to talk to me when I'm not disfellowshipped?