Ever since I left this mind control cult I have continued to offer resistance in what ever ways I thought good at the time.
But I'm faced with the question: Is it good or bad idea? or How far should I go and to what lengths should I go in my efforts to fight this cult?
I think being a JW for 29 years has defined a large chunk of my life and to just try to forget about it may be a big mistake. I think it is much better for a person just to let things work out there natural course in time as it fades more and more into the past with each passing year.
I have been able to move on with my life, new friends, new understandings, and the like. Even though that is the case I think fighting the cult does offer a certain sense of meaning to my existence and if I carry out my fight to a moderate extent it is like therapy. I think it really all depends on our personality make up so that what may be good for one person may not be good for another.
I believe that fighting for a cause has its good side as well as bad depending on both the cause and how much you were effected by the thing you are fighting against. Reflection is good and reality checks from time to time cause a reevaluation goals and past accomplishments.
So what are your thoughts on this matter?