Can JW's run the New System without worldly people?

by moshe 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    That depends on the belief system

    If you believe god is all powerful and will help out:

    Yes, no problems the worldies can die

    If you believe there is no god:

    Well it ain't going to happen away!

    If you believe this promised land will occur but the dubs are going to have to run it.

    Without worldies I can see a LOT of requests for help!

  • dgp

    Leavingwt (hi!) said that

    They can't even run Bethel, now, without "worldly people".

    Or get the paper, ink and computers for the Watchtower. Or go out for field service. Or.... everything else.

    I believe the sad aspect of all this is that, if you asked someone still in the religion, the person would dismiss this thinking as evil. JW's are simply not a civilization, and they could not survive without worldlies.

    To be fair, in that respect most of us are way below the primitive peoples of the Amazon river basin, the bush people in Africa, or the bindibu in Australia. However, perhaps the JW are among the few people in the developed world that are prevented from becoming capable of surviving on their own on the account that "the time left is reduced". How sad.

  • WTWizard

    I don't see how. Even if there are enough people, would they be educated enough to maintain things? If everyone with half a brain is destroyed, that means scientists are going to all die. Then, what happens if you need something? How are they going to build homes for all the resurrected (and maintain people's homes) if they can't get materials on site? People are not going to be able to engineer simple items like lumber, hardware, and furniture. It takes intelligence to build a house without nails (it can be done, but it requires precision cutting of boards to fit together). Glass of sufficient quality to see through is not easy to make without factories. And, if there is no running water, how are they going to keep standards of sanitation up? Remember, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has been hounding people to stay physically clean--in the God's Tyranny book, that is one of the elements of cleanliness.

    And, how is news going to spread? Suppose the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has new instructions. They could be stationed in New York City. They expect everyone in the world to respond instantly, or they will all die. But, without high speed travel or telecommunications, it could take years for information to spread worldwide (and be out of date by then). Just getting a letter or message from New York City to Boston could take two weeks, and what happens to people in isolated communities? They could issue a ban on sex in New York City on the first, and it would be the middle of the month before such ban reaches Boston or Buffalo. And, another two weeks before it reaches Portland, Maine--what happens to people in places like Cherryfield, Maine or Errol, New Hampshire? It could take months for a message to reach Ellsworth, Maine (and another week before it reaches Cherryfield or Machias--or Bangor, for that matter) without high speed delivery. By that time, anyone in Machias, Maine, would be in violation of the new laws. Remember, Jehovah does not accept ignorance to the law during the New Dark Ages as an excuse.

    So, are people to bunch up near New York City so they can get the message in real time? Isn't that what they bash Nimrod for doing? Nimrod wanted to create a big city, and the Bible (and the witlesses) view this as wicked. God supposedly wants people to spread out--that is why such small towns like Cherryfield, Maine, are supposed to still be there. But, if people are scattered, and there is no high speed communications system, people in outlying towns are not going to get the message. And, ultimately, they are going to die because they are in violation.

    If they cannot solve this issue, with the ban on college (and the Internet, which would be the ideal means to reach Cherryfield Maine in real time from New York City), there is no way the witlesses are going to possibly run anything--even if they have enough people to do it.

  • dissed

    JW's have this delussional view that everything will be perfect.

    But the reality is........

    It would quickly resemble something out of a Mad Max movie as they canabalize what's left over and fight for survival.

    You think they complain now? Imagine the complaining as they find out they actually have to work to make donuts and coffee.

    Society would break down into lawlessness. With small groups of roving marrauding bands lead by Elder Warlords and warrior Pioneers. (JG is preparing them now for this new world order, no?)

    With the melting of the Polar ice caps, some areas would be flooded, creating a JW Waterworld where parents will barter their children as slaves for food. "You can have my daughter or son for two candy bars and a bag of dog food"

    Only the strongest and most creative will survive in their new violent world. Spears will be made out of window squegees, book bags will hold grenades, and KH's will be made into fortresses.

    Now were talking a paradise I can really get into!!!..... "Momma! Get me my machine gun and some hand grenades. I'm going to the market to get us some food for dinner.

  • shopaholic

    No...and they are not being very practical either. Their focus is just on getting into the New System and then letting Jehovah take care of things from there.

    The recent earthquake in Haiti should have made some JWs think about the cleanup effort of the dead and general destruction that will be required. I don't think they are truly prepared for what they are preparing go...sounds easy on paper.

  • moshe

    Imagine having an unscripted sympsoium at the assembly on this topic. JW's could see how unworkable this new system is after 30 minutes of open discussion. They might begin to realize that it is up to humans after all, to make the world a better place. I have said for a long time that JW's are social parasites who live off the work, knowledge and imagination of worldly people, while returning little of value to society. When was the last time a Nobel Prize winner was a JW?

  • sacolton

    The earth is going to be purified in fire and eventually renew itself. 2 Peter 3:10-13

    10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

    11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

    12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

    13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

  • Caedes
    Spears will be made out of window squegees (sic), book bags will hold grenades, and KH's will be made into fortresses.

    Perhaps that is why they build some of them without windows?

  • winstonchurchill

    This is where my doubts about the WT become doubts about the Bible...

    WT anwer to this is that by miracle, all will be solved and handled. It wil take 1000 years to achieve perfection, yet God will make sure no one gets sick form day one. No allergies, stomach flu, or migraines... by miracle.

    Of course there will be no arguments, fights or violence, by miracle.

    Instructions will be announced to the world via angels form the sky.

    By miracle plutonium rods and 7 billion corpses will not contaminate.

    By miracle survivors will have a place to dwell, and enough food from day one...

    My point is: Why did miracles happen in the past, and will happen in the future, but conveniently do not happen today? If God is going to perform such wonders, and he did in the past, why not now? Can't he kill all wicked people without destroying the infrastructure? Does he have to make 'his' people go through say 200 years of reconstruction just so he can enjoy seeing all the destruction? If an angel made anouncements in the past, and will make them in the future? Why not now? Hell, that would convince -and save- a lot of people. But no, not in our lifetime... too convenient for my taste.

  • dgp

    I hope we all realize that we're speaking only hypothetically. Armageddon isn't coming, pals. Ever.

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