Does knowing that JWs are not god-chosen organisation they claim to be break your heart when you see them do FS in extreme conditions, like during a hot summer day or in snow?
Do you feel pity when you see JWs working hard for Jehovah?
by african GB Member 22 Replies latest jw friends
I used to, but, now I feel that if they are following their heart, find enjoyment and fulfillment in living their lives that way, who am I to judge? I DO feel sorry for the children, however, especially on very cold mornings, little girls wearing dresses, legs freezing....brings back memories.
wha happened?
I do feel sorry for them at times. Depends on their attitude.
Think About It
Don't feel pity, because when I truly believed, I enjoyed it and was happy.
Nowdays, when I see them.....I'm more embarressed that I did it.
Think About It
:Do you feel pity when you see JWs working hard for Jehovah?
If I ever see them actually doing that, I'll let you know.
Yup... seeing them trapped in a cult, knowing that deep down they loath every foot fall as they forge ahead in an act of futile "work".
I certainly felt sorry for my wife this morning. My daughter has swim classes on Saturday mornings at the same time as her field service hours. Today, however, I was fully expecting my wife to go to the swim lesson with our daughter today instead of going in field service. We had an agreement that we 'take turns' swimming with our daughter during her swim lessons and I swam with her last Saturday.
Plus, with all of the snow, they had been cancelling meetings on Sundays and FS on Saturdays, so surely she felt like she would be able to go to the swimming lessons today for it was snowing outside. No such luck for my wife, though, as they decided to go ahead with the FS today.
Getting dress, I can tell she was feeling down so I began inquiring about how she was doing? I asked her if she could perhaps go out in service tomorrow (Sunday) but she felt like she had to do it today. I felt sorry for her because she felt like she had to do this alone. I told her that even if I were to ask to participate, I would not be allowed do to their whole 'interfaith' thing and me not agreeing 100% with all their doctrines. The fact that I believe in God and put my trust in Jesus is not enough for them.
She went to service and my daughter and I had a good time swimming, her learning to dunk her head, swim to objects, and jump in the water.
I feel like my wife is missing out on my daughter's childhood because of her religion.
Yes and no. All depends on what mood I'm in. But if they come to my door I always have some fun with them and try to get them thinking outside their little box. I never tell them that i was once one. I usually approach it from the angle of trying to get them to see they are being used by a publishing company, and encourage them to enjoy life and go out and do something for themselves instead of wasting their time knocking on doors trying to convert people to believe in something that ain't never going to happen.
I recently had an elderly Sister come up to my door with a walker and offer me a Watchtower I accepted out of pity even though I knew full well she would return visit me later on. She did, offering me a book. When I saw how cheap that book was, paperback compared to the hardcovers they used to have, I mustered up the courage to decline it. If it were somebody else I would have played with them.
They're not working for Jehovah; they're working for the WTS.
And because their cult shelters child abusers and murders children through its blood ban, pity is the last thing I feel about them.