I don't feel pity. I feel sad for you guys.
I do feel extremely sad to think that good, honest, sincerely believing people have given up medical treatment, careers, love, relatives and opportunities in life to work for an organization that is preaching a lie. I feel even more sadness when I think that, once they are old and useless, they will be tossed to a corner. I feel sad to think that they won't save for retirement because "the time left is reduced". I would feel terribly sad if someone I knew chose not to take a transfusion. Yes, I do.
I can't see the witnesses as I used to see them when I didn't know a thing about the organization. If only you guys could live with us, instead of just among us; if you could make the most out of your intelligence and opportunities in life, and if you were not compelled to bleed to death over a wrong doctrine, perhaps this wouldn't make me that sad. It would not kill more dreams than other things, such as politics, for example.
Or, if I could help at least one of you. My long abandoned and discredit Catholic faith hasn't lost one point it scored with me many years ago: that of sins of omission. I feel that not saying a word regarding your suffering, not caring about you guys because "that's your religion", that amounts to evil done out of inaction or, even worse, indifference.
I do feel sad to know that disfellowshipped ones work hard to be reinstated because they think they will die if they don't. Or to know that so many of you stay in the organization just because you don't want to lose family and friends.
Yes, I do feel sad.
Leec, field service pays nothing. It breaks my heart to think that good, sincere, hard-working people work long hours in menial jobs and then become the salespersons for an organization that has good money. They contribute with the means of transportation, the fuel, the time. They are the ones that get doors slammed in their faces. And, to what end?
Once upon a time I saw a young guy die in a demonstration. A rubber bullet "was shot" and "hit him" right next to his heart. The young man, in his early twenties, bled to death in the camera. And, his death was used as political excuse to extort more and more from the government. His life was precious, but someone didn't care, and manipulated the guy so he would give it willingly. This is what I feel when I see a hard working witness.