Gayle , this will be my 6th month without reporting any FS , even longer for hubby . So Im guessing they no longer count us as publishers ? Now in our cong , there are now 8 'inactive ' ones of the conscious class' . Now when I was asked about it by an elder , I told him that it bothered my conscience to count a couple of hours for FS when all the speaking I had done was 10 mins . He didnt have any answer . Of course I didnt tell him all the rest of the reasons :) In our cong we have had no baptized ones come in from the territory , only kids , youngest was 9 :(
For how long can they massage the figures ?
by leo999 28 Replies latest jw friends
I like how they spin it to their advantage when lowering a requirment. Say the 15 minute publisher or lowering the hours for regular or aux pioneering. What a loving provision from Jehovah they all say.
If it wasn't for the fifteen minute requirement for putting in your time, and the elders not believing that you actually reported 'zero', the numbers would be a lot different!
How long can they massage the figures? Dubs are so brainwashed they don't care even if they do notice (which I doubt).
This bullshit has been going on since the 1800's and isn 't going anywhere soon.
Simon Morley
I agree that the next 5 - 10 years will be telling. Already we have seen a gradual reduction in the reference to "1914" in the publications reduce over the years - prepping for NL on that topic. Add to that despite the global population growth being a little over 1%, there is a big discrepanciy between the numbers baptized 1 year + publishers and the number in the next year (good summary on Freemends)
Also get ready for NL on:
1) F&DS = GB - other annointed are simply that and have no say in "feeding" (establishing rules) for the R&F
2) "evidently" (term used over 4600 times in the WT) Paul was refering to "Marking" not DF'ing - watch for a softened form of DF'ng as marking (you choose, not us). This will still allow the self-righteous to shun, but others to choose otherwise. This is not a stretch for it to become a matter of personal consience - organ transplants being an example. I bet they are already facing potential challenges under human rights - 7th day Adventists abandoned it in 2000 I believe. Maybe a Swaggartesque flip?
3) They will not manipulate the numbers but roll out the same story; Increase = Jehovah's Blessing vs Decrease = Jehovah's Sifting.
I and my wife are on a slow fade, last month was the 1st in 20 years of no FS, 14 months ago I was an elder; sick of the politics, hypocrisy and non-scriptural based interference on matter such as education and the flip-flopping. There is no way I could explain to any householder the current understanding of generation, "evidently" neither can the GB.
Thank you all for this forum.
Think About It
Been gone 15 yrs and I have some questions.
When did the 15 min reporting start? Does it count as an hour or is time broken down into 15 min increments? (i.e.. 0.25 hrs for month) This no doubt was to clearly manipulate the amount of "regular publishers" reported in the yearbook.
When I left elders were encouraged to be at least the average pub hours. (10 hrs then) How many hours do elders need now?
Back then, Pioneers were 90 hrs and Aux.Pio's were 60 hrs. Has that changed also?
Think About It
A dont believe the numbers are "fudged".
I believe they are manipulated by changing the requirements. Also, the non-english speaking congregations are growing
When the numbers actually do go down, this will be embraced. The GB is waiting for this with a plan. They will claim the congregation is being cleansed in preparation of Armagedon. The will encourage people to do more, working the members into an excited frenzy. An attitude of us versus them will be adopted. And many of those "fringe" JW's will be out.
Don't forget..This is a cult and this is how cults work.
When did the 15 min reporting start?
I think it started in the mid to late 1990s. It only applied to elderly and infirm people who weren't getting out in FS regularly due to their limitations.
No no it was later than that, 2002 or something.
out of curiosity does anyone know what the jw growth rate is compared to say mormons and scientologists etc?
7 million sounds an impressive number by itself but when you think its taken over a century, or nearly a century if you start from rutherford, how does it compare to the growth rate the other sects and cults started around the same time or later?
Mormons grossly exaggerate their numbers so it's hard to tell.
Most independent surveys suggest there are more people who identify themselves as JWs than Mormons worldwide.
Witnesses are also increasing faster than Mormons, even using official Mormon figures.