"If Christianity Doesn’t Matter Why Do You Bother With It?"

by leavingwt 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Many theists ask why atheists care about God or the Bible. The question deserves an answer. Below, former pastor, Bruce Gerencser, provides one.

    If Christianity Doesn’t Matter Why Do You Bother With It?

    Good question.

    On one hand Christianity doesn’t matter. The Bible doesn’t matter. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God, the Church….it all simply doesn’t matter.

    If you want to worship the Christian God….I am fine with it. I subscribe to the “live and let live” school of thought. Each to their own. May Jesus be with you. May the force be with you. May nothing be with you. I don’t care.


    I do care about the influence Christianity has on our culture and government. I do care about the damage done to society in the name of the Christian God. I do care when people are hurt, and sometimes destroyed in the name of the Christian God.

    When Christians want to make our country into a theocracy….It matters.

    When Christians want their religion to have preference over any and all others…..It matters.

    When Christians demand that atheists and agnostics be treated as Satan’s pawns….It matters.

    When Christians attempt to teach religious dogma as scientific fact in our public schools….It matters.

    When Christians attempt to force their religious moral code on everyone….It matters.

    When Christians attempt to stand in the way of my pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness….It matters.

    When Christians abuse and molest children in the name of their God….It matters.

    When Christians wage war thousands of miles away in the name of their God….It matters.

    When Christians mentally abuse people….It matters.

    When Christian expect preferential treatment because of their God….It matters.

    As long as Christians continue to force themselves on others and as long as they attack and demean anyone who is not a Christian….It matters.

    As long as pastors and Churches get preferential tax code treatment….It matters.

    That said….

    As to whom you worship and where? It doesn’t matter.

    As to what sacred text you use? It doesn’t matter.

    I want every Christian to have the absolute freedom to worship their God.


    I want that same freedom to NOT worship any God or another God….

    And as long as that courtesy is not extended to me, to every human being on the earth….

    It matters.


  • cofty

    Good points.

    PZ Myers said he hoped religion would one day be like knitting.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    It does matter.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It's a fine line.

    Is there a state religion? No. (technically)

    Do "Christian" politicians use the fact that they can whip their constituents into a frenzy simply because the oppnent is either not as vocal about their religion, or even worse, feel as if religion is being imposed in the government? Yes. In that case, a de facto religious influence is being introduced.

    When religious/Christian precepts are introduced as law, to be legally binding on all, even those who don't believe in it, then we have a problem. It should be obviously a case by case discussion. But Christian political interests are primarily social politics. Instead of being "live and let live" social political discussions do demonize minorities and their rights, under the auspices of "morality".

    A democracy is only as strong as their commitment to the protection of minority rights. When the majority insists that their rights are being infrigned upon, I find that a bit disingenuous, and I do see that from the Christian right that tries to thrust themselves into the public social debates.

    Christians are allowed to feel strongly about whatever they want, and limit it to churches and their families. They simply cannot be permitted to introduce as potential law anything that seeks to limit the rights of others due to the simple fact that their religious sensabilities are offended.

    If for example, someone only subscribes personally to 8 of the 10 commandments, an allowing of all 10 commandments in a government building would make me feel quite uncomfortable, as I reject 2 of them. Why should all 10 be thrust upon me as a secular political ideal? Ditto if it were only 4 or 5, 2 or 1.

    I see this issue as a continual weakness in our democracy. Until religion is kept out of the public discourse, we will continue to see "moral authority" given to the squelching of issues regarding minority rights and behavior.

  • MissingLink

    Nicely put Pastor Bruce. I totally agree.

  • awildflower

    Absolutely agree with everything he said. It's funny I was just having a conversation like that yesterday!.....wf

  • Elsewhere

    Very good.

    I have had this conversation with die-hard christians before and every single one of them did not see any problem with imposing their religion on everyone else. In fact, they were angry at the fact that they are being prevented from imposing their religion onto others.

  • changeling

    The US Constitution is "godless". The US in NOT a Christian country. This is exaclty what guarantees that all religions are on equal standing.

    If you enjoy freedom of beliefs, don't mess with the Constitution.


  • awildflower

    Right on Changeling

  • lisavegas420

    Most excellent. Very well said.


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