"If Christianity Doesn’t Matter Why Do You Bother With It?"

by leavingwt 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Here's an example of what can happen when religion is not separate from government. . .

    "Christian Filipino workers in Saudi Arabia are complaining that their employers are threatening to fire them if they do not convert to Islam. It's against the law for a Moslem in Saudi Arabia to convert to another religion. The punishment is death, and anyone attempting to convert Moslems is subject to the death penalty. This sort of double standard, and use of coercion, is a big deal in the Philippines, although the government there, and in Saudi Arabia, try to play down this particular problem. There are about 200,000 Filipinos working in Saudi Arabia, and 600,000 throughout the Persian Gulf. The forced conversions are not widespread, yet. But several hundred are believed to have occurred, and the idea is catching on with employers who are conservative Moslems."


  • hamilcarr

    What has actually happened to that good old idea of division of church and state?

  • Chalam

    Hello LWT,

    Good questions. Here are some personal answers.

    When Christians want to make our country into a theocracy….It matters.

    Of course, it all depends on if this is by free will or not. For example, Islam ultimately is not democratic. Christianity is Ezekiel 3:27 Revelation 22:11

    When Christians want their religion to have preference over any and all others…..It matters.

    See above answer.

    When Christians demand that atheists and agnostics be treated as Satan’s pawns….It matters.

    This is a false statement of Christianity. See here for the real deal Matthew 5:43-48 Romans 12:20

    When Christians attempt to teach religious dogma as scientific fact in our public schools….It matters.

    Of course, it matters to Christians that atheists teach atheism and evolution as scientific fact.

    When Christians attempt to force their religious moral code on everyone….It matters.

    Would you prefer an Islamic moral code instead?

    This question begs the wider question, "What is morality?"

    When Christians attempt to stand in the way of my pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness….It matters.

    One needs to define what life, liberty and happiness is. To some it might be liberty to take and do anything they choose or that gives them pleasure. Beyond breaking the law, this returns to the question of morality. True Christianity does not judge Matthew 7:1 John 12:47

    When Christians abuse and molest children in the name of their God….It matters.

    Once again, that is certainly not Christian! God will ultimately call abusers and molesters to judgement, not glory.

    When Christians wage war thousands of miles away in the name of their God….It matters.

    Are the US and the UK in Afghanistan and Iraq because of God's name or other reasons?

    When Christians mentally abuse people….It matters.

    Agreed. Christians are called to love, not to abuse John 13:34 John 15:12

    When Christian expect preferential treatment because of their God….It matters.

    This and maybe some other questions here are best served with examples.



  • cofty
    When Christians attempt to teach religious dogma as scientific fact in our public schools….It matters.

    Of course, it matters to Christians that atheists teach atheism and evolution as scientific fact.

    This is an example that concerns me. Apart from a few "faith schools" (thanks to Saint Tony B.) science teaching in the UK is thankfully free of influence from creationists. In the USA it seems to be having to fight a constant battle. You would have thought Dover would have put an end to it?

    I would oppose anybody teaching atheism in school, that is not the job of a school teacher, but evolution is a fact. The idea that anybody could oppose the teaching of one of the most important discoveries of science is just unthinkable. I applaud America's separation of church and state; its worth defending.

  • Chalam

    but evolution is a fact

    If it is a fact, why do they still call it a theory?

    Introduction to evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This is the basic premise behind evolutionary theory explaining the origins of new species by means of natural selection. [ 2 ]



  • leavingwt

    Chalam & Cofty -- I would like to encourage either of you to start a new thread to discuss why Evolution is a 'fact', etc. Thank you.

  • Chalam

    Agreed! Don't want this turning into another evolution/atheism debate

    That said, this is an immediate response to question four!

    Anyhow, looks like your wish has been granted




  • leavingwt
    That said, this is an immediate response to question four!

    No problem. I enjoyed your responsed to all of the questions. Thank you.

    I welcome the topic of 'Is Evolution a Fact?', I just want to see it as its own thread.

    The answer to this question is interesting and I think many will learn from it. In science, the word 'theory' carries a different meaning that the one you're implying above.

  • MissingLink

    Before you can say what "true" Christians are, you'd better take a look outside your little church and see what the majority of people who call themselves "Christians" are doing. Any small group can claim to be "true" Christians. This is a post about the majority of Christianity who win the title of "Christians" due to their numbers.

  • Chalam

    Hi LWT,

    No problem. I enjoyed your responsed to all of the questions. Thank you.

    Cool-many thanks.

    I welcome the topic of 'Is Evolution a Fact?', I just want to see it as its own thread.

    I agree. I think that is wise. I dipped my toe in those kind of threads once or twice before! They normally take a week to read all the info

    The answer to this question is interesting and I think many will learn from it. In science, the word 'theory' carries a different meaning that the one you're implying above.

    Here's a couple of definitions from my Mac Dictionary

    theory |'θe?re; 'θi(?)re|
    noun ( pl. -ries)
    a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, esp. one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained : Darwin's theory of evolution.

    fact |fakt|
    a thing that is indisputably the case : she lacks political experience—a fact that becomes clear when she appears in public | a body of fact.
    • chiefly Law the truth about events as opposed to interpretation : there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter.



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