JWs are decreasing in Solomon Islands. Annual report shows decrease 2009 (1,735 avg pubs), and 2008 (1,737 avg. pubs) 2007 (1,747 avg).
Jehovahs relationship towards Christians is like an internet that links his humble love for everyone,
by Gayle 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
God is love and what is love if not humble?
While statements made by men along the mines of "God is a jealous God", "Love God above all", "God demands your worship", and so forth, give the view of an arrogant and uncaring even petty God, the fact is ( if we can use the term "fact") God is humbl eenough NOT to force US to do anything we don't choose to do and loves us enough for us to not believe in him if we so choose.
God is humbl eenough NOT to force US to do anything we don't choose to do and loves us enough for us to not believe in him if we so choose
Ah yeah I can agree with that PSacramento
and what? the wt is the only approved 'host' for jah to use? maybe He should consider Firefox or something else.