Mr. T was an articulate scholar and a consummate gentelman. I pitty the fool who says otherwise.
Just write something completely goofy!
by awildflower 75 Replies latest jw friends
"I am not a shrimp, I am a prawn!" (from the Muppet's in my best French accent!)
four candles
I fart in your general direction. Also to be said in silly French accent
The dead prophet invented Linux, that is white, but works when cooked.
This was the result when I tried a dictation software for the first time with my very poor english spelling (I very rarely speak english).
Funny teel!
An old fourth grade song that I still remember. It used to be sung by the girls in school.
A sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see, see, see
Was a bottle of Sea, Sea, Sea
Another grade school song. Sung to the tune of the old McDonald's commercial song (about 1960's).
McDonald's is your kind of place
They serves you rattlesnakes
French fries betweens your toes
Hamburgers up your nose
The last time I went there
They fried my underwear
McDonalds is your kind of place