Interfaith marraiges and children

by garyneal 31 Replies latest social family

  • bulgogiboy

    Best of luck, I know I came across as pretty pessimistic but that just comes from my own personal experience. Your situation may well be totally different, and I hope it is .

  • bulgogiboy

    Best of luck, I know I came across as pretty pessimistic but that just comes from my own personal experience. Your situation may well be totally different, and I hope it is .

  • LatinxJW


    The best way to prove the Watchtower wrong is by being a great supportive loving husband now, the past is the past. They are constantly being told how horrible non- JWs people to prove they are the so called truth. Stay firm to your decision about the WT because the last thing you want is your daughter having to choose between the WT aka Jehovah and the Daddy she love so much. Thats exactly what I going through right now with my children and its a very sad situation. Wish you well

  • TD
    Feeling so bad about the incident, I ask my daughter again, "Are you sure you do not want to go to the Kingdom Hall with mommy? I think she really wants you to go with her." "Well, I will go if you want me to but I really don't want to go," she says. My wife just says, "I guess I can't compete with singing, dancing, and playgrounds."

    My observation is that the JW belief system generally does not appeal to children at all. It is too dry for young children, too restrictive for 'tweens and too dark for older children / young adults.

    It appeals, by design, to unhappiness.

  • garyneal

    bulgogiboy: Thanks for your support.

    LatinXJW: The past is indeed the past and I am indeed trying to make the future much better. It is hard at times as I see my wife head off to the meetings, often alone, and I think that I should be there to support her. But I then realize, if I become a Jehovah's Witness, I have to give up birthdays and holiday celebrations and I have to allow my daughter to die should she require an emergency blood transfusion. My wife is pregnant and has already told her doctor that should she need blood, even if it is a matter of life or death, she does not want it.

    TD: I wonder why this religion appeals to unhappiness?

  • GLTirebiter

    Gary, check yor PMs.

  • garyneal

    GL Tirebiter: Got them both, thanks. I will reply to them probably tomorrow.

  • BabaYaga

    Gary, you are a wonderful man, husband, and father.

    I hope that at least in some small way (that will hopefully manifest itself in a much larger form soon!) that your wife can appreciate you and come to realize how lucky she really is.

    Hang in there.


  • garyneal

    Thanks BabaYaga, it is an effort on both our parts. Sometimes I don't appreciate her enough but I am working harder at showing it. Back in our honeymoon days, this use to come naturally. I just hope she doesn't get too entrenched in the bOrg.

    I watched her head to the meeting this evening. She was very tired and when she asked my daughter if she wanted to accompany her, my daughter said no. After my wife left, I asked my daughter why she did not want to go. "Because mommy spanks my butt if I don't sit down and be quiet."

    My wife came back home about 45 minutes later, she has been very tired lately and she could not handle two hours at the meeting tonight. I was very happy to see her back home early.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Feeling so bad about the incident, I ask my daughter again, "Are you sure you do not want to go to the Kingdom Hall with mommy?

    You seem, to me, to be suffering from the delusion that your wife belongs to a group of harmless loonies.

    As a child of the cult, I wish I had been protected from the lunacy. Instead, I was encouraged to join it by parents that had access to information that identified Rutherford's cult as a bunch of loonies and ignored it.

    If your daughter joins my parent's cult, she will 'know' that you are one of Satan's minions.

    If she joins you in your beliefs, will she think the same of her mother?

    She has my sympathy.


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