I turn on the news to see Sarah Palin taking on the Family Guy writer

by dinah 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Family Guy? Never heard of it.

  • beksbks


  • FreudianSlip


  • ColdRedRain

    >Sarah Palin is the retard!

    This ad hominem mocking the developmentally disabled courtesey of a liberal...

    >I love Family Guy. Did ya'll see the episode where Stewie and Bryan go back in time to the Nazi era and then when they stole uniforms to hide in plain site one of the uniforms had a McCain/Palin button on it? It was perfect!!!

    So what does Sarah Palin have in common with a genocidal group of populist socialists?

    >The best humor always comes from the left".

    No, the best humor always comes from Libertarians. Liberal humor mocks people, libertarian humor mocks ideas. When liberals try to mock ideas, they usually come off as dogmatic, uninformed and constantly appealing to emotion. I'll give you an example of the illegal alien episode of Family Guy.

    His whole premise about being pro amnesty was based on the fact that he percieved imigration control activists as being racists rather than being mostly citizens who are concerned about people coming into this country unchecked. And he also forgot to mention the fact that you had to get a green card and get screened for diseases and a criminal record before you're even legally allowed into this country.

    South Park, Penn and Teller and Mike Judge are leagues funnier than anything Seth Green can do. Just look at their shows (Except for the Goodes by Judge). When South Park or Penn and Teller mocks religion, they mock it for being illogical, when Family Guy does it, they mock it, they mock the people that go to church.

    Anyway, Foamy the Squirrel might get on the air. He's going to blow the living daylights out of anything Seth Green does if he gets on the air.

    I could probably make something funnier than Family Guy if given an electronic drawing tablet and a pirated copy of Corel Paint Shop Pro and 5 days to find a topic.

  • blondie
  • FreudianSlip


    This ad hominem mocking the developmentally disabled courtesey of a liberal...

    The only person I was mocking was Sarah Palin. Are you calling her developmentally disabled? If so, we agree! Still... I don't think it counts as an ad hominem because I wasn't making an argument, I was making a statement (and I was being satirical like Rush Limbaugh).

    So what does Sarah Palin have in common with a genocidal group of populist socialists?

    Ask Seth McFarland. I didn't write the episode. I just found it funny because I don't like Nazi's and I don't like Palin, in general. Therefore linking them together made me laugh.

  • ColdRedRain

    >The only person I was mocking was Sarah Palin. Are you calling her developmentally disabled? If so, we agree! Still... I don't think it counts as an ad hominem because I wasn't making an argument, I was making a statement (and I was being satirical like Rush Limbaugh)

    Sorry, red herring and strawmen attacks only work on dubs.

    >Ask Seth McFarland. I didn't write the episode. I just found it funny because I don't like Nazi's and I don't like Palin, in general. Therefore linking them together made me laugh.

    Same as above, only substitute "red herring" for ilicit major.

    You just inadvertantly prove my point about liberal "humor". It's not smart, it doesn't mock ideas, it's a vicious mocking of people, your poor attempt at "humor" not withstanding.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I heard it put best about explaining jokes and humor. It's sort of like dissecting a frog. When you do it, the frog dies in the process.

    Funny is funny, it doesn't need an explanation. Stupid is stupid, and it always requires an explanation, which is why Palin's mouth is always open.

    In case anyone missed this, Palin needs publicity. Anyone who takes on a cartoon puts themselves on the cartoon's level. You just can't win.

    Of course, we have already discussed how Palin is proabably a genius of Titanic proportions.

  • AllTimeJeff

    CRR, did you get the Family Guy episode? I can explain it to you.

  • villabolo

    ColdRedRain: "So what does Sarah Palin have in common with a genocidal group of populist socialists?"

    First, Cold, you need to understand Palin's Fundamentalist Christianity. Indeed, you need to understand New Testament Christianity, period.

    Bottom line, her religion and the NT Christianity it is based on, is genocidalist. We're all going to hell for not bowing down to their "messiah". Hell, or more accurately Gehenna, takes genocide to a degree that Mr. clipped mustache could never have accomplished. After the killing you are tortured forever and ever, Amen. It is literally a two in one combination of an eternal concentration camp (the imprisonment) and an eternal crematorium without the courtesy of rendering you numb by gassing.


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