"Of course, we have already discussed how Palin is proabably a genius of Titanic proportions."
Yeah, she's so stupid, I mean, her campaign is based on vague, well worded feel good promises. She sounds as though she would make a great cell phone saleswoman!
There's a difference between "Funny" and "stupid". "Stupid" stops making you laugh when you become an adult and escape your social bubble. "Funny" makes fun of ridiculous and antisocial ideas that will never work in the real world. Seth McFarlane (Not Green, sorry) has never lived his life beyond his East Coast blueblood limousine liberal world. His humor only appeals to the lowest common denominator who who have never been outside of their limousine liberal social bubbles, much like Saturday Night Live. (Remember when they mocked Palin for saying she could see Russia from Alaska?)
But I do agree though, she needs to stop attacking those cartoons. They appeal to the politically ignorant and will only make her seem petty. Everybody knows that Family Guy is a Simpsons ripoff anyway. Foamy is funny though.