I forwarded your list to my Girlfriend who is not a JW and she asks if its alright to post it on her classroom? With some little changes to fit the school
by Terry 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
I forwarded your list to my Girlfriend who is not a JW and she asks if its alright to post it on her classroom? With some little changes to fit the school
Terry, I LOVE this list. Thank you!
My one addition: Meditate every day... even if it is only for a couple of minutes.
I don't mean to FOCUS, I don't mean to do ANYTHING NEAR what the Watchtower would mean when they use the word "meditate". I mean to learn how to actually QUIET your mind (yes, it can be done and done well, for all of you who think you have tried and decided that you cannot manage to do that!)
Quiet the left side of your brain for a few minutes. Allow the creative, healing, expansive right side of your brain to perceive things for a while.
Quiet the left side of your brain for a few minutes. Allow the creative, healing, expansive right side of your brain to perceive things for a while.
OK, so, when it's time to do your taxes, how do you start the left side back up? The IRS has no sense of humor about right brain returns.
Restrangled, Don Miguel Ruiz rocks hard!
I loved The 4 Agreements.
Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melek ha-olam--"Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe."
And let us say "Amen."
Donating money (even just $5) is as easy as dialing your phone nowadays.
Every month, donate whatever cash you can spare to the cause of your choice.
I donate to parrot rescue shelters. Parrots are extremely intelligent animals that need highly specialized care to remain healthy and happy in captivity. Many parrot owners find they don't have the time, skill, or commitment to do this and have to give up their parrots. The shelters care for the parrots and rehabilitate them if they've developed biting, feather-picking, or screaming problems. Just Google "parrot rescue" and your state, and you'll come up with dozens of sites.
Just a suggestion.
I forwarded your list to my Girlfriend who is not a JW and she asks if its alright to post it on her classroom? With some little changes to fit the school
Anything I write (anywhere) is for anyone to use as they see fit.
I've always thought that we're moving too fast. As a whole. Science is starting to mess with forces that have risks far beyond most people's comfort zones. Genetic Engineering has led to spread of new diseases, using WAAAAY too much energy has contributed to the *cringe* global warming crisis, the study of dark matter, smashing particles, bending physics, manipulating time...it's getting out of hand. I think the scientists and mathematicians of the world need to catch up with themselves and fix the problems they started first, before we go trying to peek into the idea of parallel universes.
Definitley worth a read, the download is free. So, I think we should stop trying to get ourselves into messes, and clean up the ones we've already made. Then, maybe, maybe, with enough research we can continue smashing particles together.
"If it aint broken why fix it?"....As a question why do you think the world needs repairing.? (Are the answers you will give lazy?)
Live as the charactors from seinfeld.......self centerd ,egotistical.... blah blah blah......but not materalistic , proud or religiouse......blah blah blah....