Most pathetic Special Needs Talk

by RebeccaChi 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What's most wacky about the original poster's situation is that one goofball elder can't decide what the local needs part is going to be; it has to be determined and agreed upon by the entire body.

    What a loony thing to say from the platform! If you find money on the ground and you can't easily find out who lost it, IT IS YOURS. A better local needs part would have been on securing one's wallets and purses so as to avoid dropping money on the ground!

  • LostGeneration

    Local needs parts are another control tool. In fact it really is one of the ultimate tools used to tell people activity they should be participating in for the advancement of the book publishing company. Whatever fun activities the R&F might be having at any given time can be squelched and the sheep can be beaten back into giving up more of their time, money, etc....

  • wobble

    Youv'e all missed the point, the old fart who gave the talk was just about to pick up the money when the kid beat him to it !

    I think the silliest SP. Needs talk we had,was a talk about why nothing had been done by the Elders, in the case of someone we all knew nothing about , who as far as we knew had done nothing wrong, and any way we didn't even know who the hell they were talking about.

    What it boiled down to was, because all the Elders were gossiping amongst themselves about someone, they assumed one of them,at least, had told his wife, so the Congregation would have "general knowledge"

    No Elder this time was indiscreet,so nobody knew WTF the talk was about. Of course it raised so many questions , that the whole sorry thing came to be known by a number in the Congregation.

    I think it all goes to show that the Elders are "Special Needs"



  • daniel-p

    So its ok to steal for Jehoober.

  • Pistoff

    I love the cardigan story, Hamsterbait; is that a Minnesota story?

  • Pistoff

    I love the cardigan story, Hamsterbait; is that a Minnesota story?

  • stillajwexelder

    adultery - there had been a spate of about 3!!

  • Think About It
    Think About It's funny you brought that up. I knew a young guy that found a bill while out in service with a hardcore, old school, pioneer elder. The elder told him the same thing, so he dropped the bill back on the ground. When the pioneer elder didn't think he was looking.....he picked it up and put it in his pocket.

    Think About It

  • Mattieu

    It couldn’t be worse than the time the elders forgot that they had a local needs talk and forgot to discuss what it should be about. So lame ass elder spends 15 minutes ad-libbing under the theme ‘microphone handling,” I kid you not.

    He got his teenage son up on stage and showed the proper way to hold the microphone when giving a comment, how close to have it near your mouth and so on.....


  • JRK

    I will put mine into a category of special needs talk, the one after a public reproof or disfellowshipping. They always talked of a "hypothetical situation," and gave most of the gory details. Totally inappropriate, and in poor taste.


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