i can remember the co giving a special needs talk about calling the 900 sex lines from the kingdom hall.the pious looks on the friends faces was hilarious.i was almost crying to hold back my laughter.
Most pathetic Special Needs Talk
by RebeccaChi 27 Replies latest jw friends
i think we all can agree that talks that have to do with marking a member are foolish.they dont mention the persons name as they describe the unacceptable behavior.then we would exclude them from social events-as if this is going to help them.it is so good to be away from that.
If I leave a $5 bill on the ground, someone else could find it. And, the rightful owner would be just as out of it as if I would have kept it. And, suppose it was a worldly person that lost it and I donate it to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund? The owner would be just as out of that money as if I would have kept it. If you cannot readily identify the owner of the money and the amount is less than $20, you have the right to keep it. If it is $20 or more, you are required to report it (preferably to the police in this case, since it will end up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund if you only report it to the hounders). Otherwise, the rightful owner could charge you with petit larceny.
On occasion, I have found change on the ground and planted it where it would be found. But, never would I donate it to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Also, once I found $8 in scrunched up bills and held onto it, only to find that the rightful owner was a co-worker that dropped it (I returned it at that point). But, rarely do you have reasonable proof or evidence of who the rightful owner of small amounts of money that are dropped. This is just as true at the Kingdumb or A$$embly Hell--even if it was inside the A$$embly Hell, better to keep it if you cannot positively identify the owner (assuming it is under $20) than donate it to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or letting someone else dishonestly claim it.
On the other hand, if you positively know whose money it is (especially if it is $20 or more), you are expected to return it. That happened to me once--I bought an air conditioner from a witless (paying $100, when I could have got an equivalent one new for the same price). I found 4 $50 bills in the directions envelope (which I could have missed just as easily), and knew that the witless that sold me the air conditioner was the rightful owner. As it was more than $20, I could have been charged with petit larceny had I kept it (and they could prove that I didn't merely miss the money in the envelope because I just plugged the thing in and let it go). Stupid idiot, he wanted me to throw the money away on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund--instead of using it for his own needs or letting me keep all or part of it.
I remember one that was about the need to listen to special needs talks, because apparently people weren't listening to them. Couldn't they have gotten people to pay attention to special needs talks without saying so during a special needs talk?
The immorality of slits in skirts, I remember that being a special need. No matter how long the skirt is, a slit is unacceptable.
kitten whiskers
The first and only pioneer meeting I attended, a fight broke out!
Two very subsued and quiet pioneers (a mother and daughter) had enough from a loud mouth pioneer sister. I couldn't believe the screaming and accusing going on in front of everyone at the meeting! They nearly got into a hair pulling fist fight!
The CO delivered a local needs talk to the congregation about it. You should have seen the bewildered looks on everyones face who hadn't been privy to the incident! It was just crazy to bring it out in front of everyone! There were a lot of whispers afterwards wondering what in the world that was all about!
I am continually reminded by comments on this board how many really unscriptural things the JWs do - while claiming to base EVERYTHING they do on the bible.
What could this kind of local police trivia possibly have to do with anything scriptural?
We had a local needs part about oral sex right after a teenager got DF'd. It was so uncomfortable for everyone. I was so embarrassed for all the little pre-school aged children.