Does the JW Cult Rob People of Their Humanity!

by LittleSister 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleSister

    Well for those of you who many not know I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on the 31st Jan, however our joy soon turned to concern when it was discovered our son had breathing problems. This concern later turned to fear as we learned that he had a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) and that he would need an operation ASAP.

    Basically our baby had a hole in his diaphragm and most of his digestive system now resided in his left chest cavity compressing his heart and lungs into the remain space in the right cavity. This is a very serious condition and much of the information we were given made very bleak reading. However, we were lucky our boy is a fighter and had the best of care so that within less than a week he had his operation and we were able to take him home.

    I have now been home for nearly two weeks and with the exception of 3 cards from old JW friends we have not had a phone call or a visit to see how we are. When an elder and his wife came round to see my mother they were obviously uncomfortable talking with us, had no interest in our situation and offered no warm words of concern. Yet this couple have known me since I was a child plus we are not DFD or DISSED.

    This has got me thinking no matter what you may believe or not believe there are common bonds of humanity that allow us all to empathise and show concern for others in times of distress. It seems to me that the Org has managed to dehumanise its members so they are no longer able to understand or feel for their fellow man.

    Have you experienced or noticed this too!

  • leavingwt

    Congratulations on your baby boy! How wonderful.

    I'm so sorry that he was ill. I hope he makes a speedy recovery from his operation.

    What you've experienced is similar to what I've seen with my own eyes. Many JWs are eager to "count time" and visit strangers, but pay little attention to individual JWs who need an encouraging visit or kind word. They're often so busy trying to earn everlasting life, that they do indeed lose their humanity, by failing to give attention to real life.

    Please hang in there.

  • Michelle365

    Congrats on the birth of your son! I'm sorry to hear of his need for surgery! How is he doing now? Is he "cured" or will he need further treatment/surgery?? I hope you and he are recooperating well. I know this must be just awful for you.

    I have totally experienced and noticed that lack of concern from JWs. It's very hurtful. Especially when it comes from someone that has been a friend for years. It's devastating that they can't even show some human decency. I'm sorry you were treated this way.


    PS. I guess I should mention I am a strong childbirth advocate and have a huge interest in all things related to moms/babies/pregnancy/childcare. Sorry if you find my questions too forward and feel free to disregard.

  • straightshooter

    Definitely so, just as you have mentioned, there are some who are truly loving and caring. But there are ones who are cold as ice. My personal experience is that the elders often times are the least loving and caring in their actions. They often times are very formalistic in their actions and are too busy with congregation matters.

    Also glad to hear that the operation was successful and that your baby is home with you to enjoy.

  • JWoods

    I guess when you REALLY BELIEVE that everybody on earth not spending 10 hours a month selling your magazines is shortly going to die - at the hands of GAWD - probably there is not much reason to display any normal humanity to the general non-witness population.

  • snowbird

    Yes, it does!


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Congratulations on the birth of your child and good luck with his continued recovery.

    The borg certainly dehumanizes people within by encouraging them to view those on the outside as future bird food.

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    Congratulations on your new addition!

    To answer your question, humanity, empathy are foreign to dubs!

    My MIL is hardcore R&F and whilst she is a lovely old dear, the dub thinking kicks in fairly quickly

    My mil has a friend who a few weeks ago had their furnace pack up. Now given that even here in southern ontario we can get tempretures around -20C plus the wind chill this is a little serious! She comes out to the lounge and tells me all about it.

    Me - thats terrible, well is there anything we can do for them, its going to be cold tonight

    MIL - yes it is bad, they will be cold tonight, but no her family can help her.

    On which she wandered off to make herself a cup of tea, while I sat there speechless!

  • LittleSister

    Thanks everyone for your comments so far.

    Hi Michelle365, you’re not being too forward, but I should warn you I can be a real baby boar.

    Our little man is doing really well; I would call him a miracle if I still believed in such things. We have a check up next week, but all being well he should be fine from here on. He does have a slight heart murmur, which they don't think is serious, but again we will know more in a month or so.

    I now have a new respect and appreciation for the work of special care baby units and the charity Bliss they do amazing things.

  • eyeslice

    Hi Little Sister

    Congratulations and best wishes on the birth of your son. I am so glad he is now doing well.

    Does the JW Cult Rob People of Their Humanity?

    I am not sure that it does really - there are many many caring and loving JWs out there, and I say that now as a total outsider.

    What this religion does is makes the rank and file frightened, unsure and unable to respond to situations such as yours. I am sure that many elders have been moved by the tragedy of the Haiti earthquake but they won't publically pray for the victims in the meetings. Why not - because of fear of seeming to be out of line with unscriptural and unwritten JW convention. I have rarely heard anyone pray for individuals in the congregation. Again, the reason is that this does not appear to be 'the done thing'. Because they are so ingrained with the notion that God only cares about JWs, they cannot bring themselves to see the humanity in others.

    Many of us who have left the religion have been humbled by the realisation that God probably sees all of us humans in much the same way, regardless of religion, race, gender or sexual preference.

    Best wishes


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