Parents beware

by IMHO 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • IMHO

    Don't walk around a convention with your child if you are not wearing a convention badge.

    You will be questioned as if you are a peadophile. They will even check with your child (whatever their age) whether you are their parent.

    It happened t me.

    To make it worse an announcement encouraging children to 'seek help' from someone wearing a flourescent jacket. (i.e. attendants).

    Did no one tell them that they can be bought from almost anywhere these days for next to nothing and hence worn by anyone. (Make sure you get an orange one, they give you even more power).

  • Gregor

    I think it is smart to remind parents to keep an eye on their children in crowded places. Malls, amusement parks, etc. A large religous gathering might cause a parent to leave their guard down. Our son got lost from us at a big stadium convention when he was about six. It was a very intense 20 minute search.

  • bluesapphire

    What if the attendant is a pedophile who didn't have two witnesses to the abuse? And give me a break, as if wearing a lapel that says you are a JW means you are NOT a pedophile.

    I'm plugging my nose because the self-righteous stench is making me sick!

  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like they're trying to cover their collective arse and fouling it up as usual.

    I would be extremely suspicious of any stranger coming up to me and my child and questioning either one of us as to whether I'm a pedophile or not. That guy was way out of line.

  • Elsewhere

    > What if the attendant is a pedophile

    Uhhhh Ohhhhh!!!!

  • Farkel

    If the parents really wanted to keep their kids away from pedophiles, they shouldn't take them anywhere JWs get together, including assemblies.


  • JWoods

    My gawd - these people have made more rules about assemblies than Hitler had in the concentration camps.

    Doesn't ANYBODY is power in the WTS just once in a while ask "what in the Hell are we DOING"?

  • bluesapphire

    The reason they foul it up each and every time is because of their self righteous stench. The way they create their policies assumes they are all righteous when they are not by any means ALL righteous.

  • nugget

    Religious conventions are no place for children. I strongly believe that there is no place for children where 3 days of religious instruction is being discussed. Thinking back at conventions there was probably no more than 2 hours within the 3 day programme which had content suitable for children and that is being generous. After all immorality, drug abuse, pornography and other unsavoury topics are discussed as well as mental gymnastics with Bible prophecy it is nonsense to expect children to sit still through that.

    They have managed to reduce the number of dramas to 1 and to add insult to injury they now pad it out with an hour of talk in order to suck the joy out of the event so that it is now torturous. There may also be 15 minutes within a symposium telling children to obey parents and possibly a real life story or demo where a young child spouts pious drivel. It just seems to be an excuse for parents to slap children in the fresh air. Quite frankly people with out children are intolerant of other people's kids and parents hate all those early arrivers who hog end seats. I can't believe my children were made to go by me.

    The children are more in danger from what they may hear at the assembly rather than who they are with so long as parents are vigilent.

    The latest is there is no car parking at the venue so we must all travel by coach. Sod that for a game of cricket. I'm going to Alton towers instead.

  • JeffT

    What would said attendent do if you pulled out your cell phone, punched 911 and said some total stranger was asking questions about your child?

    When he calls his boss in, and you explain to said boss that the WTBS will be hearing from your lawyer on Monday, things might get interesting.

    I'd be tempted to take my granddaughter to a convention and wander around just to see what happens, but I don't think I can do that to her.

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