Does Tiger Woods have to apologize to anybody other than his family, and sponsers? Does he owe the public an apology?
That's a good question. People place athletes on a pedestal and promote them as role models to kids. Did Tiger, or anyone other sports star ask to be role models to kids? Some will argue no...they're just professional sports people, their private lives are just that...private. Others argue yes; by becoming a star in your sport, you know that kids look up to you and want to emulate you, so you owe it to them to be a proper role model.
I personally don't care. I love sports, but I don't worship the stars. I expect them to help my team win and in return I'll go to a game or wear a jersey. Outside of that what they do on their own is their business.
Tiger doesn't owe my anything. What he does off the golf course doesn't impact my life one bit. Actually what he does on the course doesn't either, other to entertain me when I watch.
If we held politicians to the same ideals and behavior we expect from Tiger Woods or Tony Romo or Derek Jeter, maybe we could clean up the government a little.