Tiger Woods important enough to interrupt national programing?

by yknot 13 Replies latest social current

  • RubaDub

    Are you serious ???

    If your local station in that timeslot has Regis and Kelly, the 4th Hour of the Today show, or some local cooking or variety show .... OR ..... you can have Tiger Woods who hasn't been seen in 3 months.

    Come on now ... if you're a TV station general manager with a brain ... which would you choose ???

    Rub a Dub

  • JWoods

    Looks like his remaining sponsors are not too happy that he did not state when he is going to play pro golf again.

    IMHO, he is a whiner. Maybe he said something that will make the evening news and change my mind. I doubt it.

  • Finally-Free

    I can see it now. The next bestselling porn flick will be entitled, "Tiger's Wood".


  • yknot

    I don't think anyone needs a public apology of that nature.......blogging it on his website was fine for the general public.

    If anyone needs to apologize it is the networks who have continuously paraded this scandal as news.


    Rub- If I was the station manager I would discern the demographic watching at that hour........housewives who think he is a scumbag and who don't give a flip about golf other than getting rid of their hubbys for a few rounds on the links!

    Seriously if only one affliate had carried it I would have been a bit non-plussed but all of them is desperate, desperate like the OJ trial!


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