Newly Exiting JW's - WT Society's Motive was to Instill Fear & Doubt in You

by flipper 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Bumping this up for those who had not seen it or want to comment. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • OnTheWayOut

    I knew in 1995, with the major change in doctrine of "generation" that something was wrong. Still, I plodded along for 10 years more in the religion called the truth. I was afraid that if I left, I would be destroyed at Armageddon. I woke up slowly. I started going to the library to research the real truth, but I never consulted books by known apostates. I stuck with Christendom and science. I was so paranoid about being found out. Imagine that- fear of people discovering that I was reading books in the library.

  • flipper

    OTWO- I know how you feel. I was in fear of leaving the cult for years due to possible shunning by my JW family. I too doubted the " generation " teaching for years, but it definitely set in more after entering the 21st century . Even after the 9/11 attack I was still scared enough to get reinstated back into the JW cult- however within a year and a half after that my doubts were confirmed by unjust actions within the organization

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Slayerbard

    I never understood what the big fear draw. I mean FEAR is power in it's self. It's controls you and your thinking. Like fear of demons, WHY? I never figured it out. If your GOD"S people why are you woried about what the demons are goign to do. God is stronger than demons. So really they are really afraid God won't protect them. Which is crazy cause why WOULDN't God protect his people. Their whole reasoning is faulty, everything is backwards, upsidedown and inside out. I have yet to hear a witness explain it that understood it, and I even talked to a few elders.

  • flipper

    SLAYERBARD- Good points you make about fear. The thing is : HOW the WT society instills fear into it's JW members is by telling them if they DON"T follow ALL the WT society's rules then God , or Jehovah will NOT approve of them and possibly destroy them at Armageddon. So it's not so much that JW's have to fear God not protecting them from alleged " demons " - as it is they are fearful God will punish them for not obeying the WT society. and THAT is where the fear comes to be implanted in their heads

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this up for newbies or others who hadn't seen it. All comments welcome

  • flipper

    Wanted to refresh and bump this up for newer members of the board who may not have seen it. All comments welcome

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up for any newer members experiencing this or lurking JW's. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • Scott77

    This is a very insightful and likeable thread. it reminds of armageddon fear, how nervous I felt everyday of my family members and friends.


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