Been working my tail off lately. 6 floor buffing jobs in 6 different towns last night. Just now waking up to see I'm alive. LOL ! I'll respond.
RESTRANGLED- To me, the meaning of your dream is perfectly clear( having been a JW myself for 44 years ). In the dream your dad is dead to your mom because he left the Jehovah's Witness cult. You know how the witnesses are trained to view those who leave the organization as " dead in Jehovah's eyes " ? That's what the death of your dad signifies in your dream in my opinion. Essentially it's a never ending dream for you- because that unfinished situation in your life never changed while your dad was alive. He died a non-witness , and in your subconscious mind you have some resentment towards your mom for putting pressure on your dad while he was alive.
The clown suit on your mom and circus like Disney atmosphere represents the fantasy like unreality the witnesses live in and that they can't be taken seriously - as everything they believe in is an unreality, like a Disney world per se.
LEEC- The fact that some of your dreams have " emotional drama " meshed inside them indicates that dreams possibly are part of our fragmented pieces of personality coming together. I agree with you like a computer re-fragmenting of sorts. Of course, dreams don't HAVE to have a meaning, it's just a theory of some psychologists that indeed they DO have a meaning. One theory I tend to agree with.
FRANKIESPEAKIN- Exactly. The important things in dreams is what they mean to us personally, individually.
LIFE IS TOO SHORT- Wow. Double wow. My wife and I know you very well, you are a close friend to us. I'm so sorry you have been plagued by these nightmares at least 5 times this week. Definitely evidence of the stress you are presently going through- and what you have suffered in your life over the years. I think from reading all your dreams - I see your authentic personality waking up and coming to the fore in a vivid realization in your dreams helping you to see the Jehovah's Witness organization was not all you thought it had been all those years. You are seeing from your dreams that the elders AND the child abuse scandals are all connected and that the JW organization and WT society do everything they can to make sure child abuse proliferates and is swept under the rug.
In your dream where the elder came to your house and you stood up to him telling him " he had no right " to tell you and your husband what to do - it is your real authentic personality coming out to be free and stand up on your behalf after all the years you were in the cult. Your dreams are also showing you in a personal way - many of these JW's just cannot be trusted as lots of the abusers in your dreams were people you knew. So it is you in your subconscious mind coming out and saying " I need to protect myself. " And THAT my friend is a good thing to heed.
ASILENTONE- Incredible. What an interesting dream. Very interesting. How long AFTER you had the dream about meeting this elder was it when you met him in real life ? Trying to determine a time frame. Was it months, or years after you had the dream of meeting him ? Perhaps you had heard his name brought up in conversations with others ? I don't know. Maybe something you saw in this guy indicated to you he would eventually leave the JW's. Wild.
SNOOZY- Very funny dream ! Perhaps you need to keep an eye on your shoes or sandals next time you are lounging ! LOL ! Maybe the dream indicates you have a foot fetish of some sort ! LOL ! Was the big guy wanting to rub your feet ? Or just take your flip flops away ? Just keep an eye on those feet sis ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper