Is there any way to fight for my bipolar daughter?

by angryrat 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • angryrat

    My daughter has been released, back to the robots. She has informed me that she can no longer have any contact with me because I am an apostate. With me living an hour away and the JW robots 5 minutes, I have no recourse but to let her go. The words she used toward me were NOT hers, I can tell how my daughter speaks...I guess they just got to her before she could talk to me again.

    Again, I reinforced my love for her, but at this point I need to walk away from this and unfortunately my grandson. Perhaps one day she will come to her senses if she is alllowed to think for herself EVER, but I need to move on. This is making me physically ill and I can't take it.

    Thank you again for all your genuine love and support

  • purplesofa

    Thank-you for the update,

    I'm sorry it has come to this for you.

    Your decision to walk away and not let it drag you down I know must be difficult.

    Keep yourself healthy, she may come around and will need you. Healthy.

    My heart goes out to you,


  • restrangled


    It is tearing my heart up to read your post. As the daughter of and Elder father with extreme Bi-Polar disorder, I am appalled.!!!!!!

    For you to be shut out is inexcusable, obviously she felt safe with you at the outset.

    For the in laws to set limits regarding anything having to do with this religion regarding payments.....obviously one of her worries to begin with, and use that against her and you is nasty business.

    If she has just been diagnosed it will take weeks for the meds to kick in. In any event, none of the behavior of her in laws is acceptable, and I would contact her doctor immediately.

    Please do not give up, this is one of the most outrageous things I have ever heard!

    Take care, and I will watch for your posts.

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