do you get tired of rehashing the same things over and over with us "newbies"? if not, what is your favorite topic to discuss?
for the long time posters
by rockmehardplace 31 Replies latest jw friends
Everyone comes in with a different perspective. You can keep your own comments short and to the point and give them places to read and research. But some can be repetitive. I research and comment on the WT every week, so what can I say?
I float away for long periods of time and come back when I'm bored only.
It'll come to an end soon enough - when it does, you can have my monkey avatar. But you've got to become way more ignorant, way more crass, and a whole heap more goofy. Because the way it stands right now, you're not getting it.
When I am tired of rehashing, I let others do it. When I am ready to discuss it more, I do it.
I like talking about WTS being a dangerous mind-control cult. Even many who have left it don't want to agree on that.
I also like discussing factors of the dangerous mind-control like the loaded language; "the truth," "theocratic warfare," "field service," etc. etc.Other factors include how they never got one single prediction right: 1914, 1925, 1975, in the lifetime of the 1914 generation,in the 20th century, etc.
Blondie: i love your comments on the WT. i read those almost religiously.
OTWO: so very true on all the predictions, when i first started posting, what you were/are going thru from a personal perspective and what you shared have helped me with what i go through with my wife.
shamus100: i can be crass, ignorant and extremely goofy. as for your monkey, i am not sure if i want your monkey. in fact, i am under the impression from past readings, no one wants your monkey. who knows where your monkey has been.
If I get bored..
I take a break from the board..
Persistent misconceptions are tiresome. Explaining something to someone new is no chore at all.
I learn stuff from newbies. Some old-timers may know all about the scandals and history and changing doctrine but sometimes newbies come in and they've left the WTS for a reason that none of us considered. They share an insight on things going on in the congregations that those of us gone for a while have not experienced.
Like OTWO, I join in when I feel like...if I don't, I don't.
As long as I have to deal with JW relatives, I like to stay on top of what's happening in the bOrg. Forewarned is forearmed. But since I'm here, I'll help what little I can with my experiences and knowledge from my 30 plus years of being trapped in the cult.
I like that on this site, for the most part, newbies don't get fussed at for asking the same old questions. Go to a car or motorcyc le forum and ask a newbie question and everyone jumps your shit for asking a dumb question. I'm assuming the same happens with video games and other hobbies. Their old-timers thought you shouldve done an exhaustive research of the site before asking anything. Maybe they just get tired of the same "how do you..." questions but here, generally speaking, when someone asks a newbie question we've heard a hundred times before, people will actually take the time to consider it instead of telling to do a search.
What TD said.
I've managed to distill my thoughts down to a few clever, smart-ass comments.