I get tired of the newbie "Help! I'm in Love with a JW" threads. The public bleeding is embarrassing and usually they are written by somebody that seems just as controlling as the JW partner they are complaining about.
for the long time posters
by rockmehardplace 31 Replies latest jw friends
choosing life
I appreciated the help I received when I decided to join, so I try to remember that. If I am not in the mood to rehash a subject, I just don't post. Never would I think to discourage someone new from asking the same questions.
Blondie is right that each new poster has a slightly different perspective. You can learn something from everyone.
From what I have observed here over the last 5 years is that discussion soon shows what is a valuable idea and what is just a dumb opinion. I have seen new ideas all the time- nothing is certain here. The JW's would find out what is fact and what is opinion, too, if only they could have a real discussion that didn't use scripted thought-stopping answers.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
do you get tired of rehashing the same things over and over with us "newbies"?
Oh please, I attended the Kingdumb Haul for decades. Rehashing things here isn't nearly as brain-numbing as rehashing the same "truthz" recycled over and over in a drab windowless building.
if not, what is your favorite topic to discuss?
I don't know that I have a favorite topic. I know that many get tired of the 607 argument and the reappearance of "scholar" to defend lame JW theology, but I like to just wait until it gets deep enough that I can throw in all the pyramidology that he hates to acknowledge. He never answers me and treats me like I'm DFd... but I'm not DFd.
I am not a newbie anymore.... :)
I don't mind the rehashing for new ones. I was new once, and I appreciated a lot of input that no doubt was repeated previous.
A few topics when I started
Are JW's a cult?
Are all JW's bad?
Is Faith Bad?
Questions about personal development and growth?
Before this board became a place to hang out, it was a place to work things out. And we all need foils, so I have had mine. Lately, public affairs and politics dominate, because I need to catch up. Tomorrow?
Piiiiigs Iiiiiin Spaaaaace!
Or whatever. Newbies, rock on!
Oh, it's been awhile but I do get tired of the newbies who are clearly trolls coming on here with the same old song with a slightly different beat.
The newbie trolls will often have an impossible-seeming problem with their JW girl/boy friend or some family member. They will ask for advice but whatever advice is given, they will say why they cannot do that. They will often want to learn the doctrine and join for this person's sake or they will want to free him/her using just a few simple lessons that they could possibly learn from us.
Example: I love this JW girl and we have had sex, but she wants to go back to the Kingdom Hall and confess everything so she can look her JW mother in the eye and honestly say that she is faithful to Jehovah. I don't like your advice to run away from this girl because I am such a good Christian and I want to have babies with her as she is really great breeding stock. She said I could study with the brothers, but they would tell her not to date me, let alone give me rolls in the sack, until I am a baptized brother. I was thinking of becoming a JW to marry her and then tell her to stop going to the Kingdom Hall and to read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE. I was hoping you all would tell me how you get a wife to obey you and do these things, and what percentage of CoC readers immediately leaves the religion?
I think it's worse watching the same people fall for the same story over and over and over again. It's so utterly pathetic how some people believe everything on the net.
Remember Angel Eyes and it's followers? Yuck - I just threw up a little.
Good grief, OTWO. Do people actually come on this board and say that?
Billy the X: Yeah, I haven't seen scholar here in a while either. Been reading The Gentile Times Reconsidered, I am going to have some fun with him next time.
The public bleeding is embarrassing and usually they are written by somebody that seems just as controlling as the JW partner they are complaining about.
Unfortunately, it takes longer for some people to realize that control is really an illusion. I must admit that when I was studying and learning some of their ways, I too found myself pointing out things to my wife that she was doing that was not in agreement with her religion. I often did that when she was doing things I did not think she should be doing. Boy, how wrong I was and to think if I had went through and became a JW, I think things would have only gotten worse because NOW I can report her to the elders.
I am so thankful that I woke up to that insanity.
Remember Angel Eyes and it's followers? Yuck - I just threw up a little.
She and PJSChipper were very funny. I actually miss them in a way.
Oh Gary,
There have been so many of them. Those were just the latest.
Unfortunately, I feel like ex-dubs still haven't learned how not to be gullible sometimes. Bleach!