The Cross

by elder-schmelder 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The History Channel actually said no one really knows?

    It's kind of like saying that an execution in the old west may have been done by hanging but nobody really knows for sure whether the townfolk got together for a stoning instead.

    The Romans executed using a cross or cross-like implement. There is no rational reason to think they may have used a single upright pole on this one occasion, is there? (I didn't see that History Channel show but I've never heard anyone outside the Dubs question that crosses were commonly used as implements of execution in the Roman empire.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I agree, they so desire to be differrent on every little minute detail that it just becomes laughable. Remember the old wives tails as to what food products contain blood?

  • JWoods

    The History Channel show said that in almost all cases, the Romans (at the time, and in Jerusalem) most likely used a cross with a crossbar, but shaped like a capital T without a top extension, not like a small case t. They also said that on occasion the traditional cross was used, but that the single stake was more associated with actual impalement, not being nailed to it.

    For whatever it is worth - personally I can't see how anybody could view that kind of outside the church historical detail a vital doctrinal issue -

    Ironic, isn't it, that they acknowledge that the pronunciation of Jehovah is not really correct for YHWH, but use that anyway because of tradition.

    For the cross, screw tradition, and we will make up our own idea.

  • LongHairGal


    You are right because I saw a show that showed that if somebody were crucified with their hands over their head they would have died very quickly (within an hour).

    The scriptures say Jesus lasted longer than that. I tend to believe in the actual shape of the cross. I always felt that the JW religion differs just for the sake of being different.


    The WBT$ has replaced Jesus as Mediator for all JW`s,except the 144,000..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s wear "Watchtower Logo" jewelery..

    In rememberance of the day the WBT$ killed Jesus,as mediator between God and Man..

    ................................ ...OUTLAW

  • nugget

    I can't believe why I never questioned why there were so many differences between the churches and JWs. It seems that in every way they have to be different just for the sake of it. If no one knows whether Jesus died on a cross or stake why make a point of it?

    They WTBTS loves it's wacky experts. I'm thinking of writing a book about how the Bible is a true record of history and how to prove the worldwide flood and the stake. I will of course provide no scientific evidence just lovely quotes. I want to see how long it is before I'm quoted as a scientfic expert in a book or awake magazine.

  • diamondiiz


    You forgot to add that GB killed God and set themselves up as God the Almighty, that way witnesses go directly to GB without a need of a mediator.

  • PSacramento

    Jwoods is correct, history and archelogy ( and common sense) has shown that Romans crucified on a cross and impaled ( scewered) on a stake.

  • hamsterbait

    LEOLAIA did an excellently researched thread on this about four years ago.

    Its titler is "The facts on crucifixion, stauros and the "torture stake" from 11th June '05.

    She goes back to the sources in ancient writings and trashes the WTBTS claim that he did not die on a cross.

    It is a long read, but well worth it if you want to resolve any doubts on the issue. She also points out where the Witchtower has LIED and twisted the sources to "prove" their fake point.

    One Troll accused her of doing this just to impress people on the board with her scholarly ability - as if this made the information invalid!


  • PSacramento

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