Is there some watchtower quotes, that they admit that they dont know for sure if jesus was on a cross or a stake?
The Cross
by elder-schmelder 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, I believe what it said was that no one really knows for sure all that happened that day. Perhaps blondie can dig it up?
Really? I thought they pretty much went along with Alexander Hislop "the two babylons" and denounced the cross as a sort of ancient pagan symbol which was brought back by the apostate catholics to represent the trinity?
Didn't we show Reniaa that a man who is crucified with his arms above his head will die within 15 minutes?
Doug Mason
Didn't you know that at that time all of Jesus' disciples ran as far away as they could from Jesus, so they had no idea what happened when the Romans killed him (and most likely buried him) or what was said by all of the participants? (Who knows what Pilate's wife told her husband when she woke up from her sleep?)
Didn't you know that the stories (they are "gospels" not historical reports) of Mark, Matthew and Luke provide contradictory statements?
Or that the stories supposedly describing the events were all written after Paul died?
If there is such an admission by the WTS, I would be very interested to read it..personally, I do not think that they ever said that...
A man crucified with his arms above his head will only die within 15 minutes if he has nothing to support his weight. However, the purpose of crucifixion was not simply to kill but to torture and deter others from such crimes. So often a seat (sedulum) would be provided which would take the weight and so crucifixion could last for days. It was generally a slow, nasty death which is why the soldiers were surprised Jesus had died so quickly and stabbed him just to make sure.
Why is it of such concern if it was on a stake, a cross, a tree, a circular shape, or whatever? I honestly could never understand the intense scrutiny this piece of irrelevent trivia is subjected to. Does it make or break anything that matters to actual people's lives?
Why is it of such concern if it was on a stake, a cross, a tree, a circular shape, or whatever? I honestly could never understand the intense scrutiny this piece of irrelevent trivia is subjected to. Does it make or break anything that matters to actual people's lives?
First, there is the witness desire to obstinately make themselves "different" from other christian religions. This is just such a little "we are different" icon with them. Second, the witnesses hate to admit that at one time (yes, back when they were "selected as Gods People) - they used the traditional cross. So, it is now difficult to say it might have been right after they made such a big deal about it being pagan. Third, (for the record), they did not think this (torture stake idea) up on their own IMHO - I believe it was copied from a book "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop, who was a hater of the Roman Catholic Church and thought that the traditional cross had ancient babylonian roots (which it may have had, but what does that matter? It was a Roman implement and just christian history). Yes, the JWs have made far too big a deal out of this for their own good. It makes them look petty and silly to not just say no one really knows, like that History Channel show did on the subject.