Before you learned the real truth about "The Truth", did anyone try to help you get out of JWs?

by JimmyPage 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage
  • shamus100


    I knew on a very basic level that there was something very wrong with them. I did no research on the net - and didn't until many years later. I just left.

    Frankly, if anyone did try to 'help' me out, I would have been very suspicious of them.

  • leavingwt


  • dissed

    Outside of debates with workmates, I would say no.

    All apostates we knew of were deranged lunatics waving signs at conventions. So those, I kept my distance from.

  • yknot

    Not really....

    I was in the Episc church every other weekend for 10 years but they would just have the priest say a few words asking holy spirit to keep vigilant watch over me. While I did learn about their beliefs they didn't say I had to believe them nor directly challenged me when I challenged them, just calm discussions on difference of opinions......(eventually I was kicked out of Sunday School but it was a mutual parting and no hard feelings)

    Other than that I guess to some extent you could count the Nazi PO doing his best to put me spiritually/socially outside of the flock's safety and asking me each week to more or less to 'die already'....... can ya feel the love for me as a 2nd grader thru early this century!

    Actually JWD was the only time I had any contact with anyone who challenged me as a JW........ and I am eternally grateful!

  • FreudianSlip

    Nope. I wouldn't have listened anyway. This was something I had to do on my own.

  • Out at Last!
  • yesidid

    If they did it was so subtle, or I was so dense, I wasn't aware of it.

  • jamiebowers

    Yes, my best friend from high school. I just thought he didn't understand, because he wasn't in the "truth". His words didn't sink in until right before I left. It took about five years.

  • WTWizard

    They did so without trying. When they told me to just meet other men, I saw that there was no point in continuing. And, the more they set my circle up with just plain men, the more I saw fit to completely blow them off.

    That worked much better than any reasoning would have.

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