No, my wife's name is not Barbara. :o)
From The C.O.'s Lips
by Mister Biggs 31 Replies latest jw friends
Mister Biggs
I've visited the Stanley. Unbelievably gorgeous and an unbelieveable amount of work went into the restoration. I forgot but the time on the chandlier alone was staggering. Of course it was all free and now they've sold it off I understand.
What a manipulative talk!! People just like my grandmother will fall hook line and sinker for and further empty her coffers to this beastly organization.
They should be ENCOURAGING people to sock money away since Armegeddon never seems to arrive!
Arghhhhhh!! I am frustrated!!!
Jack H
I have seen so many experiences that shows how mean spirited the org and it's people are. In a certain country where the witnesses are extremely poor and wanted to build a KH as they didn't have one. They laboured for well over 10 years and it was still not completed and the society never put in one dollar. But these poor witnesses toiled to no end and sacrificed beyond description and up until I left it still wasn't completed. There so many other I can what the society did to it's own missionaries, Shared with me directly from their mouth. An organization that uses people.
Did the WTS see the Stanley Theater?
Had Enough
Hello Jack H
Welcome to our board. I see this is your first post and you're from Australia. You probably won't even see this message until your "tomorrow" morning, but we would love to hear some of your experiences and your story that brings you here, if you can.
You are so right about the WTS being mean-spirited and using people. Your story of these poor JWs building a hall all on their own for 10 years will surely never make the Yearbook, or if it ever did...it would be with such a twist so as to make the society look good somehow.
As a true-blue typical JW, I always believed the missionaries were treated with such care by the society because of their choice in life to do only the preaching work blah blah blah. But I see the reality now with open eyes and my hope is that many more will too.
Some JWs have come here either out of curiosity or by accident and what a great avenue to have them find out the real truth from those who have actually experienced or have seen the cold-hearted money-grubbing of the WTS, as well as the deceit in their teachings.
Again, welcome and we look forward to more of your posts.
Had Enough
"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."...Margaret Mead -
Welcome aboard, Jack.
Frenchy, are you serious?! they sold the stanley?!(i must be behind the times!)i remember all the people coming back from bethel visits to our cong oohing and aahing about how beautiful the stanley was.(never saw it myself). And now it's gone?! What was the point in all that? They broke? I laugh in their general direction.
The hypocrires at Brooklyn all they care is their money and fortune. Jesus said to the reach man sell all of your belongings and give it to the poor.
Since the "END"is so near why don't you sell what you have and give to the poor ones in USA, Africa, and other countries? Or maybe is not so near...
That is why you build luxure buildings for you, theaters that cost millions to renovate, like the one in New York the Stanley,with roofs that have clouds and stars and sun. Does really your loving God needs all this crap?How long you do you think people will believe you? You have ruin my life and many others with your lies. That all you gave us...lies...almost about everything just to build your empire...
I guess that is why Jesus said that there will be false prophets, and you are one of them. I know that you are looking at the "apostate sides" to see what is happening, and this is my message to you:
I know you are afraid.
You are afraid of us
You are afraid of changing
We are not here to tell you how is going to End..
We are here to tell you how is going to begin.
A world with no boundaries, a world with out you. -
Mr. Biggs -
Please email me at [email protected]. I'm in the next congregation over and have visited your hall many times.
i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon