Adam was never a baby cradled in his loving mother's arms.
Nobody sang a lullabye to him or tickled him just to make him smile.
Adam didn't grow up with brothers and sisters and a playground or a teddy bear or sitting around a family dinner with loving conversations.
Adam wasn't GIVEN by God the things we take for granted as minimum requirements to normalize us.
This is what makes the Genesis account so cold and unloving on God's side of the argument.
Adam had no friends.
Adam never played a game with companions or sat around a campfire and sang a song.
Adam never grew up with music in his ears.
There was no art or literature, poetry or encouragement.
Whatever humanity IS---wasn't there for him to shape him.
His was a cold, empty, loveless existence until Eve appeared.
Eve had no mother, sisters or family life as a child either.
Eve had never been cuddled by her mother and lovingly encouraged to BE or Do anything.
Adam and Eve were raw humanity with nobody to say to them "I LOVE YOU."
The decision to eat of the fruit (offered by the only companion he ever knew beyond some disembodied voice from the sky) was a HUMAN decision.
Whatever humanity he possessed was by DEFAULT.
God made Man what he IS.
No choice involved.
Not really.
To say Adam was not a Robot is not really saying anything great about what he WAS as God made him to be.