If you dont like it before you join take a long look further
down the track, can you imagine bringing children up in
something you dislike already yourself?
You wouldnt just be marrying him youd be marrying them,
your whole future would be measured by whether you
continue to measure up to their 'jw' ideals and the latest
bright light to hit the magazines.
>>Although he did tell me, that the only way we could take our relationship to the next stage is if one of us gave in,<<
in what way has he met you half way? missed meetings or discussed leaving?
If he wasnt worried about you being a jw then why did he say
someone would have to give in?
I'm not familiar with your circumstances just what I've read on this
thread so I apoligise in advance if I'm off base.
Ive been out for years, one of the biggest blessings is that I left
before I got married to one and ended up having children, that I
avoided complicating things further, others here weren't so lucky