You know you are a JW apostate when.........
The spirit bears witness with your spirit.
by dissed 46 Replies latest jw friends
You know you are a JW apostate when.........
The spirit bears witness with your spirit.
You know you are a JW apostate when...
You can read the book Crisis Of Conscience without having a crisis of conscience.
You know you are a JW apostate when....
You can quote the "Flock Book" verbatim even though you have never had the 'privilege' of serving as an Elder.
You know you are a JW apostate when.....
You can offer a timeline of development of JW interpretations by presidential reign and WT/GA quotes!
You know you are a JW apostate when .....
Your digital library reading is mostly WTS items prior to 1960!
When an elders wife calls to find out how you are doing and her husband listens into the call.
All of a sudden the line starts to go all echoy and I can hear what I am saying a split second after I said it . The spooky thing is he calls the following day to talk to hubby and mentions something I said on the call.
I would call that a Mickey Mouse operation, but they aren't even Betty Boop.
You know you are an apostate when........a dog called mutley makes you think of an outlaw!
When you threaten the children with a meeting and their response is "yeah right".
You know you are a JW apostate when.......
You punish your kids by making them read the WT......oh wait, that's what JW parents do to their kids when they are bad.
You know you may be an ex-JW but NOT a JW apostate when.......
Someone says "You were in a cult", and you respond (or think) "No, no, it's not really a cult".
You know you ARE a JW apostate when.......
You can say "I was in a cult", and you experience ZERO tug of cognitive dissonance to resolve.
Quillsky - Clever are we, very clever.