The Governing Body wants to DISABLE individuality.
Individuality is evidenced by self-expression.
No expression of self.
Personal desire leads to expression of personal desire.
If you are under Group Control you are not a PERSON.
You are a drone ( a "slave".)
Personhood is de facto rebellion from Group Control.
A soldier who gets a bad sunburn, for example, can be court-martialed for destruction of Government Property!
A cult member is Governing Body property.
Remember pre-Enlightenment when Women were PROPERTY? (Chattel)
They were not allowed to own property or enter into contracts or inherit.
The same is true Post-Enlightenment in cults. Not just women. A heirarchy of self-less-ness is enforced on a sliding scale.
Cult members are Property who are non-persons and non-individuals with disabled self-expression which includes DESIREs of a PERSONAL nature.
The best tool used by religion to control HUMAN DESIRE is attaching
Interposing a TABOO between a person AND personal desire inhibits self-expression and destroys the individual by undermining WILL.
The Watchtower maintains Catholic Church ownership executive power structure control over its membership.
IF the Church (Governing Body) does not bless your efforts on their behalf you are automatically consigned to a position of danger (i.e. liability to punishment).
There exists in such an Authority Structure only three possible stats you can achieve.
1.Compliant usefulness in carrying out assigned missions. (slave status)
2.Danger/Threat (under suspicion of free will acts of self-expression)
3. Enemy (Heretic, Apostate, Evil Slave who must be denied, decried, destroyed and labelled for others to avoid and abuse.)
In summary: Where there is NO SELF there can be no SELF-EXPRESSION.
1.Growing a mustache or beard
3.Sexual preferences
4.Volunteer work
7.Elective life-saving measures
8.Further in-depth research of an "inclusive" nature
All the above are THOUGHT crimes because they are demonstrative of an INDIVIDUAL expressing a SELF.