I remember when I was first going into the cancer in the late 1980s. It was like I was hoping for all those who were too "stupid" to join to end up getting destroyed--and they were pushing that very viewpoint! You simply set up a Christmas tree, you are worthy of destruction. You were trained to so hate the holidays, above and beyond simply not celebrating them, that it was viewed as severe pollution. You get sick on it because of this, and this causes you to view others as inherently wicked. The same goes for playing "bad" songs, smoking, swearing, buying lottery tickets, and even thinking of sex. Unless they accepted the littera-trash, they were classified as "urine", "dog pee", "poison", "bad associations", "walking dead", "corpses", and "pigs". Hard to feel anything except disgust when those terms are all you hear about outsiders.
At the same time, you were supposed to be drawn to people that took the rags and continued taking littera-trash. Never mind it's another guy that is trying to own you for sexual or non-sexual purposes, trying to bum money off of you, or their places are dumps full of liquor bottles and heroin needles. All that matters is that he takes the rags, and thus you are supposed to be attracted to him, trying to get him to make more progress. Never mind the thought of going there is enough to make you want to puke: you are supposed to go there and like it anyways.