2010 DC" Remain in Gods Love"...Most Unloving Yet??

by JWFreak 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What's the point in speculating about this complete rumour. What is your source for knowing that five of the Convention talks went back for last minute changes. I am almost 100% certain it will just be the same old shite as every other year.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    For you it may be a meaningless, unsubstantiated rumor, and speculating would be pointless. For me, it does mean something. When the December KM came out with a glaring mistake, I'm sure that indicated little to most of this board, but to me it was significant. These are people I know/knew. Things like this tell me volumes.

  • SirNose586
    When the December KM came out with a glaring mistake, I'm sure that indicated little to most of this board, but to me it was significant. These are people I know/knew. Things like this tell me volumes.

    Glaring mistake? I guess I must have not read it very carefully. What was the mistake?

  • yknot

    Treasure Hunt !!!!!!!!

    Here is a 2009 KM -Dec link that Iloowy uploaded 3 months ago (Still working!)


  • dissed

    Ynot - Concerning an 'Apostate mole' in the org?

    Did you read 'Smiley's People' ?

    It would not surprise me abit to find out someone, full of idealistic hate for the GB to do that.

  • dissed

    Software to filter out the bad and help monitor what the kids are searching, with maybe an aproved site for the JW kids?

    Jehovah be praised! Food at the proper time and GB approved protection for the JW's.

    They could call it 'Real Trojan Protection' Just put it into your computer and you are protected from all sorts of unclean deseases.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Fear...fear fear instill fear..more fear...sheeples need to be AFRAID very AFRAID of retribution, of being WATCHED of being MONITORED, of having complete and utter control taken of their lives to make sure they have NO contact with anyone who isnt Nazi Stepping with the Borgs dictates. They arent waiting for your ass to be DFd or DAd...you are good as dead if you dont turn in your TIME every month.

    All said with a smile from a podium surrounded by pwitty flowers, and 10,000 SLEEPING JWs with their Ipods plugged into their ears wishing it was over already.

  • ziddina

    Sour Grapes - whoops!!! Been there, done that... But an excellent example of how restrictive they've been in the past; the mind boggles when trying to concieve of future restrictions they may come up with...

    But I think WT Wizard really 'hit' the mark with several of his, especially #5... Anybody wanna place bets???

    I'll bet: #1, #5, #6, #8 and #10...

    Hey waitasec, is this posted in "Members Only"??? Dammit, WT Wizard, they're probably reading your post and getting ideas!!


  • whataburger

    I give up, what was the December 2009 KM glaring error?

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    About 1981 one of Clyde's friends told him that he heard from his mother-in-law's husband who was a circuit overseer that the organization was going to start cracking down. Sounded like a rumor, but sure enough, as you all know there was a big crack down. When I heard of a rash of disfellowshippings, I concluded it was because there was a lot of wickedness that had to be cleaned out of the organization. Now I know differently. This is a "wait and see", but I would say, "brace yourselves." They MUST keep the organization clean.

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