Probably been seen before but I thought I'd share!
I cried when I saw this video...
by Butterflyleia85 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
They are not "the happiest people on earth".
They should put the whole GB before a firing squad for the deaths of thousands!
Why can't I ever see this documentary all at one time -- I only ever see bits and pieces of it.
Anyone have a link to the entire thing ?
I never knew this video existed until I joined this board a couple of years ago. Never even heard of Beth-sarim and I was a raised-in, more than a decade regular pioneer. It really opened by eyes.
Looking at this again now...its SOOOOOOOOO clear that its a cult its almost ridiculous. I fell so bad for the children of witnesses...
The entire video is here:
<embed id=VideoPlayback src= style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>
^^^ sorry about that
Thank you TTE
The whole video at once, cool. I have it in pieces at
Anyone interested in getting the video on DVD or VHS for family or friends can go to or on I ordered it for my mom and it really shook her when she saw some of the practices of theirs.
I just watched it. Really good, but I would not let anyone under 30 watch it. Its style -- the sound effects and creepy music, let alone the dated hair styles and all that, would really put off the youngins nowadays and may even have an opposite than intended effect.