That sound really awesome Nephilim!! I really think your on to something! Unfortunitely for me I don't know How I would help personally but I could help ask around. Best wishes! :)
I cried when I saw this video...
by Butterflyleia85 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I have been showing this video in Churches for 20 years now.
Baptist,Lutheran,Catholic, Salvation Army,Mennonite, Pentecostal
Groups in Colleges.
So some of you should have gone to the Churches when they advertised it -
Mad Sweeney
Are any of the people who were interviewed in the video posters here at JWN?
I think an updated version that includes the ludicrous 2000 blood fraction noo lite and the continuing generation scam would be great, Nephilim. Also, some information about the mind-control psychology behind the borg's practices (Asch, Milgram, Zimbardo, Lifton, Hassan, etc.) would add some punch. I think there already is a part about the pyramid near the beginning, though. Make it approximately 90 minutes and a TV channel could air it in a 2-hour time slot.
Even though this particular video is dated, it's useful to show not only how corrupt the borg is but how LONG they've been running their scam.