A Russell prediction which DID come true....Restoration of Israel.....

by EndofMysteries 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I think maybe they changed their mind on it, and since it happened, was too late to take credit?

    In the book, Thy Kingdom Come 1898 is an entire chapter on the restoration of Israel. They were expecting PHYSICAL Israel to be restored.

    The chapter begins quoting Amos 9:11, 14, 15

  • wobble

    Yes, but,with incredibly bad timing, Rutherford changed all that, and invented "Spiritual Israel",and lo and behold, six years after he went to the big Boozer in the Sky, Israel the nation on Earth, became a reality.

    They just can't get anything right.



  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Even a .250 batting average is only acceptable if you can play gold glove shortstop.

    Think About It

  • EndofMysteries

    That's so funny, 6 years after the "restoration is spiritual", Israel gets earthly restoration hahah.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    Israel was never restored. Non of the people who live in Palestine today are descendants from the Israelites of the Bible and are foreigners from Europe. Most of those Europeans in Palestine don't even believe in the God of the Bible. I don't see how you can say a nation was restored when it's occupied by foreigners.

  • wobble

    Blimey Blue Grass, do you mean to say that those experts of exegesis who come on here from time to time and prove by numerology that Israel's establishment circa 1948 fulfills bible prophecy, are WRONG ?



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Russell didn't get his prediction from Jebooboo either. He would have been reading the newspapers.


    The minor efforts by small groups of European Jews towards thinking of establishing a homeland in what was then called Palestine received a miraculous fillip in 1897 when the first Zionist Congress, convened under the leadership of Theodore Herzl at Basle in Switzerland, stressed on the practical need for the return of Jews to their ancestral homeland.

    Read more at Suite101: Return of the Jews to Israel: Back from the Diaspora and Settling in the Promised Land http://jewish-history.suite101.com/article.cfm/return_of_the_jews_to_israel#ixzz0h6f2zrQB

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass
    Blimey Blue Grass, do you mean to say that those experts of exegesis who come on here from time to time and prove by numerology that Israel's establishment circa 1948 fulfills bible prophecy, are WRONG ?

    That's exactly what I'm saying.

  • freydo

    STUDY VIII http://bibletoday.com/V3/volumethree_S08.htm


    The Re-establishment of Israel in Palestine, an Event to be Expected Within This Harvest Period--How, and to What Extent, and With What Class, We Should Expect This Restoration--Date of its Beginning, and Evidences of its Actual Progress Since--Why Millennial Blessings, Intended for All Mankind, Will Reach and Revive the Jew First--The Revival of Jewish Hopes--Observations of Leading Jewish and Gentile Writers--The Harmony of These with Prophecy--Israel's Blindness Respecting Christ Already Turning Away--The Spread and Momentum of the Movement--God Will Help Them.

    ".........That the re-establishment of Israel in the land of Palestine is one of the events to be expected in this Day of the Lord, we are fully assured by the above expression of the prophet. Notice, particularly, that the prophecy cannot be interpreted in any symbolic sense. It is not a Canaan in heaven to which they are appointed, but a Canaan on earth. They are to be planted upon "their land," the land which God says he had given them, the land which he promised to Abraham............." p245

  • dissed

    Russell and many others predicted the restoration of the nation, and supported it by editorials and some contributing money to that end. But it seems more like a secular country than the one they envisioned.

    I would have to say Russell and others got it about 10-20% correct. The name and location.

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