A Russell prediction which DID come true....Restoration of Israel.....

by EndofMysteries 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freydo

    He didn't say it was going to be a theocracy.

  • RR

    There is evidence however that Russell influences Herzl and others to buy land in Israel in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Russell had claimed that favor had returned to the Jews in 1878.

    Rutherford would carry this mantle until his 1925 fiasco, and took his anger out on the Jews when Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the others did not returned to inaugurate the kingdom, so he kicked them out and spiritualized all prophecies from fleshly Israel to spiritual Israel.

    Interestingly in the early 1920s Rutherford and his entourage travelled to Israel and Eqypt, it was videotaped and was advertised in the Golden Age magazine. The video could be purchased from the Society. I know many hard core collectors who have tried to obtained these videos to no avail.

    Funny, how he dumped both Israel and the great pyramid teachings.


  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Hi RR. You have a PM.

    Len Miller

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