"But Jesse was a riot! And he was /is as phony as they come----a natural politician!"
Yeah a natural born proponent of the victim mentality.
by snowbird 82 Replies latest jw friends
"But Jesse was a riot! And he was /is as phony as they come----a natural politician!"
Yeah a natural born proponent of the victim mentality.
How about voting for this guy?
I am not a huge JJ fan - but Jesse's rendition of Green Eggs and Ham on Saturday Night Live was the best ever!
How about voting for this guy?
Nope, not even when he had that pimp hairdo trying to look like Superfly.
Yeah a natural born proponent of the victim mentality.
While at the same time making sure his family & friends got the lion's share of whatever.
I still say those 2 dudes could be Obama's babies.
They do have his ears.
I am not a huge JJ fan - but Jesse's rendition of Green Eggs and Ham on Saturday Night Live was the best ever!
One of the all-time funniest SNL moments.