My Dad died

by aquagirl 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chickpea

    my condolences to you and all who loved the man you called father...

    shame on those who claim to have love amongst them for treating
    you so despicably in a time of mourning...

  • poopsiecakes

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I think it's shameful that these people can't even acknowledge that you're a grieving daughter and be respectful to you and your obvious dedication and love for your father. I mean goddamn you're still a human being and should be treated as such - not chastised for answering the phone. Again, my sincere condolences and I hope that things take a positive turn for you soon.

  • Snoozy

    I am so sorry for you and your families loss..

    It's so hard to say good by......

    But I really did like your reply..."Bite me". Classic!


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    very sorry to hear about your father aquagirl,

    I understand the added frustration you are feeling because of the religion (cult).

    It's not a very nice group.

    Do your best to stay strong and to rise above their pettiness.

    The Oracle

  • flipper

    AQUA GIRL- My wife and I send our deepest sympathies to you . Journey On is right- these people don't matter . I'm so sorry for how you have been treated. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • jwfacts

    I am sorry to hear about your father. It is nice that you were able to keep a good relationship and says wonders about him that he would rather stand down than shun you.

    I love your response to the Witness; it is important to stand up for yourself and not allow them to walk over you.

  • aquagirl

    Thanks you guys.I treasure you all,even tho its just a computer thing..I like the comment that" they dont matter".You are right,they dont.And yeah,Im keeping my mum VERY close to me.The only time the witlesses stop in is when they are out preaching and need to use a nice clean bathroom.They dont even really spend time with her,says they are "in the field" and that they will see her at the meetings.{hint}...I hate them...Did I mention that I hate them?

  • truthseekeriam

    Your dad died seeing how much you loved and cared for him. You mom got to see who was there, when it really mattered.

    You get to know you did the right thing...who gives a crap about what those self righteous creeps think.

    I'm so very sorry for you loss

  • poppers

    What a sad story. My heart goes out to you.

  • doublelife

    My condolences.

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