As long as it is more comfortable than this goddam dog collar.
Would You Accept an Implantable Microchip?
by leavingwt 23 Replies latest social current
The thing about a cell phone is you can leave it at home and not carry it with you. You can pay cash instead of using a credit/debit card. You can avoid the Internet, or use a public terminal. Maybe we don't have a need to be that paranoid so we allow the conveniences of those items in our life but if a time comes when you might need to be careful as to how you're being tracked, you can change your habits. But if you get the chip, you'll have to dig it out first before you go all incognito.
What undercover said.
Hello LWT,
Help me out, here. Are you implying that this could be the "mark of the beast"?
There are some things that have to happen before we see it.
Revelation 13:12-17 (New International Version)
12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. 14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
However, I think it is clear that verse 17 is technologically viable now, unlike say 100 years ago.
I heard the matter discussed on God TV recently. I agree with the comments made then, taking the implant will be up to the believer to decide under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Taking the 'mark of the beast' will be clear as there it will be an act of allegiance/worship to the antichrist, and the mark will bear his name or the number of his name (see verse 18 also).
No way. That is quite an infringement of freedom. You'd have to implicitly trust your government to have that done.
Read for yourself.
Religious controversy
Some Christian religious groups [who?] claim the Real ID Act could be part of fulfilled prophecy from the Book of Revelation that relates to a financial control system. These groups commonly cite scriptures out of the King James Bible such as those found in Revelation 13:16-18.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. [ 61 ]
They claim this National ID system could be a part of the number of the beast system spoken of in Revelation required for buying and selling on a global scale, and that it could be instituted in the form of a microchip implant or biometric scan such as ocular-based iris scan, or fingerprint recognition. [ 62 ]
UK government spent millions preparing for the introduction of ID cards and eventually ditched the whole idea.
They cannot be trusted with our personal data. The number of times civil servants and govt ministers have lost computers, laptops, cd-roms, and flash drives with thousands of personal, medical and financial information is rediculous
I can promise you one thing...Most Americans would go kicking and screaming before they allowed something like that to be FORCED upon them. Europeans and others would probably lay over and allow it with nary a wimper, but I can guarantee we Americans would be the last ones standing before we allowed the government to implant a microchip anywhere on our body!!
National ID card controversy
Arguments for and against identity cards are covered in detail under Identity document.There is disagreement about whether the Real ID Act institutes a "national identification card" system. [ 30 ] The new law only sets forth national standards, but leaves the issuance of cards and the maintenance of databases in state hands; therefore, the Department of Homeland Security claims it is not a "national ID" system. [ 31 ] Web sites such as,, and argue that this is a trivial distinction, and that the new cards are in fact national ID cards, thanks to the uniform national standards created by the AAMVA and (especially) the linked databases, and by the fact that such identification is mandatory if people wish to travel out of the US.
Many advocacy groups and individual opponents of the Real ID Act believe that having a Real ID-compliant license may become a requirement for various basic tasks. Thus a January 2008 statement by ACLU of Maryland says: "The law places no limits on potential required uses for Real IDs. In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to a Redskins game, or buy a gun. The private sector could begin mandating a Real ID to perform countless commercial and financial activities, such as renting a DVD or buying car insurance. Real ID cards would become a necessity, making them de facto national IDs." However, it should be noted that in order to perform many of those tasks, government-issued identification is already required (e.g., two forms of ID - usually a driver's license, passport, or Social Security card - are required by the Patriot Act in order to open a bank account). [ 32 ]