Don't confuse 'preacher" with "teacher"...she is a teacher, who like her husband has the ability to make you think outside the box. This of course makes her a threat to sanctmonious bible thumpers, who only care for "blind" followers. Scott himself was consistent in telling you, if you don't like what I have to say change the chanel. He was an odd duck, yet you came away from his program with something to "think about", not how rosey prosey his sermon was. She has taken over leadership of that church and kept the legacey of his minestry alive and moving forward.
As to her "past life" who cares, it's dead and buried. What she was then is not what she is now. Besides, no matter what you think of, or belive about the bible it is, if anything, filled with stories of those who were moved to do God's work, kicking, screaming and protesting every step of the way. Many of whom were the most wicked and shamfull people who ever lived.
Gene Scott's death left the church with no leadership. I have no doubt she stepped on toes and over bodies to give leadership back to the church. Making many enimies along the way. Disgruntled entitlement bozos who thought they could do it better. Anyone who would use that idiot Voss to write a hit piece under the guise of "reporting the story" is entitled to do nothing more than sack grocerys at the local supermarket.
Mellisa Scott is like Gene Scott. You either learn from her teachings or find fault with her as a person. One thing for certain, shes here to stay.