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Quicklist 6:46 Pastor Melissa Scott teaching on Women Speaking in the Church Part 1 - Husbands Wives ... Pastor Melissa Scott teaching on Women Speaking in the Church Part 1 - Husbands Wives ...
6:46 August 05, 2009
Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from the Los Angeles University Cathedral. This is one of five brief excerpts posted here drawn from her full, one ...
Pastor Melissa Scott teaches on Women Speaking in the Church, Part 2 - Proclaiming ... Pastor Melissa Scott teaches on Women Speaking in the Church, Part 2 - Proclaiming ...
Pastor Melissa Scott teaching from the Los Angeles University Cathedral. In an excerpt from her full one-hour plus teaching on the subject, Pastor ... 7 months ago 2,956 views InthebrokenplacesThe most interesting, intelligent and over-qualified teacher on television is Melissa Scott.
She is something rare: a natural linguist with a command of 20 languages who can take a passage of scripture and go after it
like a surgeon after a tumor. She is the wife of Gene Scott whose TV ministry drove fundamentalists insane.
Melissa Scot also happens to be a natural beauty.
The combination of beauty, femininity and intelligence is more than born-agains can tolerate. So, a DESTRUCTION campaign was launched to smear her reputation. Using doctored photos, innuendo, blogs and hearsay Melissa Scott was said to be hiding a steamy porn identity! She was--gasp! An ex-porn actress named Barbie Bridges.
Even the photos used to impugn Scott are pathetic. The blogs assassainating her character drip with ridicule, venom and self-righteous zeal.
But, no proof exists! The fact that a WOMAN is preaching is enough proof for most.
Scott has had to go through the internet removing these false charges one by one (especially You Tube) and threaten libel suits for defamation.
But, the Fundies don't like it one little bit!
So, why am I bothering to tell you all this?
Late at night, before I go to sleep I take my TV remote and channel surf.
One night long ago I found Dr. Eugene Scott the most outrageous and cantankerous preacher the world has ever seen!
He had a scraggly beard, a juicy cigar and a sailor's flair for colorful language. He wore a leather coat and a hat and preached day and night pausing only to bark out to his viewers : GET ON THE PHONE AND SEND ME MONEY!
So, what is so unusual about that? He was HONEST about his ministry and he was one helluva fine teacher.
"If you haven't learned anything from me don't send me a nickel. But-if you have learned something worthwhile then get on the phone. What I do with the money is none of your business. I can dump it in the ocean if I feel like it."
Refreshing, entertaining and enlightening. He was a "love him or hate him" kind of guy. But, never a phoney.
Now, after his death a few years back his beautiful young wife takes over the ministry.
This woman, Melissa Scott is not what you'd expect! No way.
She is super intelligent. She explicates scripture by doing word studies on large white display boards.
If you are a dumb ass you won't last five minutes watching her. If you like your Jesus preaching simple and syrupy--tune out.
This woman is a TEACHER!
It usually takes Pastor Scott half an hour to make her point. She isn't charismatic in the usual sense. She EXPECTS you to listen and use your brain. But, if you hang in there---you always get a GOSH! moment at the end of it.
Do I believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, you may well ask?
I know there are no original autograph manuscripts in existence and no copies or copies of copies or copies of copies of copies and that the actual manuscript evidence doesn't start until a few hundred years after the originals mysteriously disappeared.
So why should I even bother watching Melissa Scott?
BECAUSE SHE IS HONEST in her teaching, she is totally knowledgeable in her research, and she works from the premise that THESE TEXTS are all Christians have to go on.
That fills the empty place in me where all the Jehovah crap use to reside.
I get a real hoot out of her.
You might might too.
After all---anybody the Fundies want to destroy can't be all bad.
She beats the hell out of the miserable phonies like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, Paul Crouch, etc. Not that that is saying much.
Just thought I'd give you a head's up and tell you how smitten I am.
I try to just watch a few minutes of Melissa--but--I can't stop. I end up watching the whole lesson and dragging my butt out of bead the next morning bleary eyed.
I have a terrible crush on her. SHE'S SO DAMNED INTELLIGENT I can't help myself.........