Interestingly, tomorrow, Monday March 8th, is International Women's Day.
If I was to go out and rape the best looking young virgin girl I could find.........
by ThomasCovenant 191 Replies latest members adult
Interestingly, tomorrow, Monday March 8th, is International Women's Day.
Or as Snowbird calls it "Thanks for not killing me when you killed everyone in my family, and please use lube Day".
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Thanks Heaven
But things can get more expensive these days. Raffella Fico is a 21 year old Italian model hoping to sell her virginity for one million Euros.That would probably make her the most expensive fuck around.
Wow, way to whore yourself in style. The sad thing is some multi-millionaire douchebag will probably pay that. She's lucky she didn't live in Jehooberland back in the day. People would be lining up to rape her, and all she would get for her trouble would be the 'protection' of being married to a callous rapist.
priceless bible law:
woman:raped with consequences and nightmares for the rest of your life
man: 1/2 years pay, and haunting woman for the rest of her life with yelling and more raping and treating like a slave until she commits suicide.
p.s. sidenote: if I could not trust my mate, there's no way in hell I would fall asleep in the same bed
I love reading about bible rape. It's porn to religious freaks.
shamus, there are parts of the song of solomon that have been illegalized in african countries due to being racy.
If you're a religious nut, you just write it off as religious persecution.
Blondie, I enjoyed your observations from Ezra. Can anybody imagine how horrible it must have been at that point in Israelite history? Families were ripped apart with wives and children being sent into exile in an orgy of ethnic cleansing. The fear and anguish of this episode must have been a nightmare.
I actually believe that the book of Ruth was written at this period as a masterpiece of protest literature. Here was a story about a foreign woman who was the epitome of loyalty and yet under Ezra's regime she would have been banished from Israel. Just to drive the point home the author concludes his story by making Ruth the g-grandmother of king David.
Women are possessions in the OT and the law given by god contains not a single word that challenges that basic premise.
PSacramento, my heart breaks for your attitude towards women. I hope you don't have daughters.
Here is the thing, God did make Rape and sexual assault wrong, he made a commandment about it:
Thou shall not covet anything of thy neighbour.
That meant that taking what didn't belong to you, in this case an unlawful sexual act, was against the commandments of God.
They just choose to ignore it and make up their own Laws about it.Do you truly believe you OWN the women, the BELONGINGS, in your family? Unbelievable, and all because you have a penis. What century do you live in?
I will onlya ssume that you have NOT read the other posts I have posted in this thread or any other thread for that matter, so I will NOt take what you said personally.