If I was to go out and rape the best looking young virgin girl I could find.........

by ThomasCovenant 191 Replies latest members adult

  • restrangled

    Burns, I always respect your opinion, but....

    Most of these critical comments are based on very anachronistic views.

    The world of that time was very different from our modern world.

    Much of the World outside of the U.S. and Europe is under the influence of these old laws. Women are considered property, easily used, set on fire, and or just put under Burkas, things haven't changed much since those archaic times for many women around the world.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    BTS-I hear what you're saying, but here is the problem...GOD chose these people and aledgedly, gave them his special laws to set them apart. Like an earlier poster said why make a law that went along with the times they were in, when he GOD ALMIGHTY could've given them a law banishing such a practice all together?

    Death should have been the penalty for raping a virgin and all of your belongings AND your families belonging were to be sold or given to the victim!

    Now thats a law and commandment that would've truly set the people of GOD apart. Also there is a dual standard that cannot be ignored for this...The penalty for a man is he must pay the girls daddy and has to marry her...ok...the punishment for the girl who DOESN'T CRY OUT IS DEATH!!!

  • BurnTheShips
    BTS-I hear what you're saying, but here is the problem...GOD chose these people and aledgedly, gave them his special laws to set them apart. Like an earlier poster said why make a law that went along with the times they were in, when he GOD ALMIGHTY could've given them a law banishing such a practice all together?

    God chose them. You are right.

    He took them as they were, and Moses was sent by him and gave them a law that worked with their culture.

    This was a radical improvement nonetheless.

    Culture changes slowly.

    Over the centuries,

    He sent them prophets.

    He sent them priests.

    He sent them kings.

    He sent them messengers.

    He then sent his Son.

    The practice has been banished altogether to such an extent that it is unthinkable to us to live this way.


  • BurnTheShips
    Much of the World outside of the U.S. and Europe is under the influence of these old laws. Women are considered property, easily used, set on fire, and or just put under Burkas, things haven't changed much since those archaic times for many women around the world.

    Restrangled, I should have qualified that statement. Our modern Western world is not like this any longer. Some of the descendants of these people, however, still live in these old ways. I will add, however, that nearly all of these seem to be Muslims living under Sharia.


  • bulgogiboy

    Can anyone tell me how to quote from other people on this?

  • tec

    Restrangled... thank you for the welcome. I probably should have restricted my answer to the fact that some laws and practices were in place only because the people's hearts were hard. That was the only issue of this thread, and certainly the only issue I felt I had enough understanding to be able to answer.

    I haven't studied much on the topic of sacrifice. Perhaps the story was influenced by the one who wrote it... (Moses, as some say)... or by the times of the one who wrote it... since the people at the time of the writing of this book were already sacrificing to God. Perhaps then, the true lesson of the Cain and Abel story would not be brought into confusion or misunderstood... that the man who did wrong was envious of the praise given to the man who did right in God's eyes, and that envy led to anger, and to sin and to murder.

    Granted, sacrifice had to start somewhere, but there seems to be no command in the Bible to start sacrificing, or why God would need or want the sacrifices of animals, wines, vegetables in the first place.

    As for Christ being a sacrifice? I think He came and died for many reasons. To teach us; to show us how to live by following his example; to fulfill prophecy so people would know that he was from God; to show us that he always obeys and loves God, even though he obviously did not want to suffer (praying that, 'if by God's will, this cup be taken away'); that he chose to lay down his life for us (he could have called upon his Father and an army of angels to save him); to show us that death had no power over him, that he in fact defeated death by rising from it and so would we; etc...

    Big topic :smile:

    More important, at least to me, is to try and follow the example and teachings Jesus gave us.


  • tec


    I agree that cultures change slowly, and that God worked that change in us through his Son. Thank you for the eloquent and to-the-point explanation.


  • Borgia

    I think 50 sheckels = 56 thousand dollars is quite a price for a one night stand.

    But things can get more expensive these days. Raffella Fico is a 21 year old Italian model hoping to sell her virginity for one million Euros.That would probably make her the most expensive fuck around.

    Given the average mid class whore price 100 bucks ... you could screw 5.600 times and I guess even better sex since they know how to do it.



  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Culture does change slowly, but changed attitudes towards women in our society have more to do with the equal rights amendment than they do with anything God's son taught.

  • Heaven

    Can anyone tell me how to quote from other people on this?

    bulgogiboy... select the text you want to copy and then copy it to your clipboard (With Windows you can do this by hitting CTRL C). In the Post a reply window, type in a letter, hit enter and type in the letter again. On the first line that you typed the letter, select the letter and Paste (CTRL V) your copied text. Place your cursor at the end of the text you just pasted, hit space, and type in a letter (illustrated below).

    Can anyone tell me how to quote from other people on this? x

    Now, select the text you just pasted (but NOT the space and letter after this text), click on Styles (above in the tool bar) and select quote. Now delete the space and letter after the quote. On the second line where your second letter was typed, you can begin by overtyping it with your response to the quote. Let me know how it worked.


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