Oh dear! Trouble in paradise.
If I was to go out and rape the best looking young virgin girl I could find.........
by ThomasCovenant 191 Replies latest members adult
keyser soze
Just because He commanded or ordered that certain things be done a certain way doesn't necessarily prove that He approved of or justified them.
Why would he command them to do things he didn't approve? And what would the penalty be for refusing to do what God commanded? The justification for those carrying out his commands is that they had no choice but to obey.
As I stated previously, I believe He was making do with a sorry set of circumstances.
Why does God need to simply make do, when it is within his power to make things better? And why command men to do things that will simply add to their misery?
Timing, Keyser, timing.
Everything in its appointed time.
Please be patient.
The justification for those carrying out his commands is that they had no choice but to obey.
Since when?
keyser soze
Since when?
Since it was commanded to them by God himself. They were deferring to an all-powerful, supposedly all-knowing being. Why wouldn't they obey?
Read the record.
It wasn't about morality. It was property law, with women being the property.
... and about keeping the nation intact, preventing anarchy, and providing a lineage for the Messiah.
so the messiah prophecy justifies carnage and pain?
if I was a person then and being raped and killed:--> the messiah prophecy would give me a warm fuzzy feeling?
The commandments - if observed - were to prevent what you are describing.
However, God, in His infinite wisdom knew that they wouldn't be, so He had to implement a system of checks and balances.